Chapter Twenty-Three

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Five's POV:

"Can you drive any faster?" Luther asked.

"Ask me again and I'll burn you with a cigarette lighter," I growled.

I was very concerned for Allison as well, she was family. But Y/n was a different story, she was my life and I could not live with myself if something happened to her.

I sped up slightly and finally, we got to the cabin.

None of us wasted any time rushing out of the car and to the door.

We were not prepared to see what lay behind the door.

The cabin was in ruins, with stuff everywhere and broken windows.

"ALLISON!" I looked down to see everyone crowded around a bloodied Allison.

My heart ached at the sight, but I had other priorities. I scanned the room and my eyes fell on a figure, covered in books.

"Y/N!" I called and ran toward her. I dug the books off and I saw that she wasn't harmed.

Then, I looked at her right leg. A large piece of wood had been stabbed into her leg.

I gasped and called for Diego. He came over and helped me carry her to the car while Luther carried Allison.

Once I was sure everyone was secure in the car, I sped off toward the Academy.

After an agonizing half an hour, we arrived at the Academy.

Klaus went in and called for Mom, while Luther carried Allison inside, and Diego and I carried in Y/n.

Grace ushered us into the medical room and had us lay the girls on the table.

Grace turned to look at Allison first, considering her condition was worse.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will have to give blood." She announced.

"I'll do it." Everyone said at the same time. I had Deja Vu from the mission at the bank when Y/n was shot.

"I will." Luther insisted, pulling up his sleeve.

"I'm afraid that's not possible my dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine." Pogo told him.

"Hey, don't sweat it, big guy. I got it. I love needles." Klaus stepped forward with his sleeve up.

"Master Klaus. Your blood is too... How shall I say? Polluted." Pogo synthesized.

"Move," Diego stepped up, "I'll do it."

Grace nodded and pulled out a needle. At the sight of it, Diego whimpered and fainted.

"Stick him," Pogo ordered.

Once Grace had finished with Allison, she turned her attention to Y/n.

"Oh, dear." She muttered.

"I'll have to pull the piece of wood out." She put on a different pair of gloves, as the others were covered in Allison't blood.

"Hold her steady." Grace looks at me and I grab Y/n's leg.

She applies numbing ointment around the wound and then slowly takes the wood out of Y/n's leg.

She screams in her unconscious state, which I found strange.

The wood was out of her leg and Grace was stopping the bleeding while inspecting the damage.

Grace ordered everyone out of the room and they left. But I didn't.

If she noticed, she didn't say anything.

I held Y/n's hand and rubbed it with my thumb as Grace cleaned and bandaged the wound.

When she was done, about thirty minutes later, she left to throw away all trash and came back to give me a report.

"Her bone has been snapped in three different places." Grace announced, "She will walk again, but she will have a limp for a while or forever."

I nodded and looked down at my sleeping wife.

"The baby is healthy," Grace said out of nowhere.

I spun my head around, "What?!"

"The baby. It's healthy." She repeated while gesturing to Y/n.

I had a big grin on my face, I was worried that her injury had somehow affected the baby, but it didn't. Thank God.

"Five!" Luther called from the living room.

"Coming!" I called back. I gleaned at Y/n and gave her a kiss on her forehead before going out to join the rest of my family.

Diego started to pace, "The bastard who almost killed Allison and Y/n is still out there, with Vanya."

"We need to go after them." Luther insisted.

"Vanya is not important," I told them. Then internally winced at my words.

"Hey, that's your sister. That's a little heartless. Even for you Five." Diego glared at me and sat down.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not saying I don't care about her. But if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the rest of us," I paused, "Harold Jenkins is our first priority."

"I agree, let's go." Diego stands up and looks at Klaus.

"You guys can count me out. I mean, you know, no offense or whatever. It's just... I feel like this is a lot of pressure for sober new me."

"You're coming." Diego insisted at the now uncomfortable Klaus.

"No, no, no. I mean, I think we can all agree that my powers are pretty much useless... I'd just be holding you guys back."

"Klaus get up." I stand up.

"You can't make me." Klaus stuck out his tongue as Y/n would do. Even though they were adults, they acted like children sometimes.

Diego scoffed and threw a knife right in between Klaus's legs.

Kalus put his hands up in surrender, "Then again, a little exercise couldn't hurt."

Who caught the Maze Runner reference?

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