Chapter Sixteen

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"Five! Five!" I open my eyes and see Y/n, alive and well shaking me awake.

"Y/n?" I could hardly believe it.

"What's wrong love? You were crying and screaming in your sleep." She looked very concerned.

"It's nothing." I hug her tight, "I'm just glad you're okay." I whisper.

"Five, the baby." She wheezes as I tighten my hug.

"Oh! Right, sorry." I let go and pull her into a kiss.

"Now, come on, let's go get that list." She grabs my hand and we get out of the car.

"Do you smell smoke?" I ask.

Her eyes widen and she runs around the corner, "Wait! Y/n! NO!" I grab her hand before she got too far.

"Don't," I tell her, she tries to get out of my grip, but I hug her and protect her as the building explodes.

We land on the ground and I quickly check that she's alive.

She was. And she was conscious.

"Oh, thank God!" I hug her, "Don't ever do that again."

She just looks shocked, "How did you know that would happen?"

"I had a dream." I sigh and we get off the ground.

"Come on, let's go to the library, we might be able to find something and we can work on the equations." He nods, grabs my hand and we start walking toward the library.

"Do you wanna tell me about the dream?" She asks softly.

I nod, "I dreamt, that everything was going on normally, you woke me up to go to Meritech, and when we got there, the building was in flames, you ran forward, and as you got to the door. The place exploded. When I came up to you, you were already gone." I feel tears in my eyes as I tell her.

"Hey, you don't have to keep going."

"I want to." I insist, "Then I was at your funeral, I watched as they lowered your casket into the ground. Luther asked if I wanted to say something. I tried to, but I couldn't speak. Hours later, everyone had gone inside. Except me. I apologized that I couldn't save you. That you didn't get to have the life you deserved and that it should have been me." My tears spill.

She pulls me into a hug, "Hey, hey. It's all going to be okay. It wasn't your fault. And if it had been you, think about how I would have felt. Having to raise the baby and save the world alone."

She brings my head up to meet her's and she kisses me. I melt into the kiss and I thought about how much I loved her.

She pulled away and we held hands in a comfortable silence as we walk to the library.

–Time Skip–

Y/n POV:

I open my eyes and see that I'm no longer in the library, I look up and see Diego carrying me, I look behind him and see Luther carrying Five, he wakes up too.

"Hiiiiiiiiii Diegooo." I giggle.

"HI Y/N!" Five calls to me.

"HI FIVEYY!" I yell back.

"If you vomit on me..." Luther glares at Five.

"You know what's funny?" I giggle.

"We're going through puberty, twice! Aah!" Five laughs.

"We drank both bottles didn't we?" Five asks Luther, and he just nods.

"Oh no! Five! The baby!" I say.

"It should be fine love. It's only one month." He giggles and I nod.

Both Luther and Diego look at me, then each other, then back to me.

"The WHAT?!" Luther asks.

I dismiss this. "Wow, I knew they were drunk, but not this drunk." Luther sighs.

"That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof." I make a gesture with my hands, "It's gone." I giggle.

"What are you guys talkin' 'bout?" Five looks up at Luther.

"Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night," Diego answers.

"They came looking for you two, so I need you to focus. What do they want?" Luther looks at Five sternly.

"Hazel and Cha Cha," I say.

"Who?" Diego looks back down at me.

"You know I hate code names." Luther looks at me.

"The best of the best. Well, except for me and Y/n of course." Five says.

"The best of what?"

"Y'know. Dolores always said she hated it when we drank." Five chuckles.

"Said it made us shurly." I giggle.

"Hey." Diego gets our attention.

"Hmm. Yeah?" Five looks at him.

"I need you two to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha Cha want?" Luther asks.

We stayed silent.

"Hey, look. We just wanna protect you two." Diego says.

"Protect us?" I ask.

"We don't need your protection. Do you know how many people we've killed?" Five asks.

"No." Luther and Diego mumble.

"We're the Four Fricken' Horsemen!" Five yells.

"The apocalypse is coming." I giggle.

Then Five proceeds to puke over our brother's arm.

"Oh. Jesus." Luther looks away.

Five stops. "I will NOT be giving you another kiss until you wash your mouth," I tell Five.

"Why would you kiss him?" Luther and Deigo ask at the same time.

I change the subject, "Don't tell Luther, but I always liked you better." I whisper to Diego, loud enough for Luther to hear.

"Hey!" Luther protests.

Five and I both break into a fit of giggles.

"Sabes, cuando estábamos en el apocalipsis, pensé que todavía te veías muy sexy y creo que te ves muy bien ahora que tienes 17 años otra vez." I tell Five.

Translation: You know, when we were in the apocalypse, I thought you still looked very hot and I think you look very good now that you're 17 again.

Diego looked at me very weirdly. Because he knew what I said.

"Callate pendejo." I glare at him and he chuckles.

Translation: Shut up asshole.

"Damn! They are REALLY drunk." Diego says.

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