Chapter Twenty-Four

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Y/n POV:

"NO!" I scream.

"Number Eight you will cooperate!" My father yells back.

"I've already done this so many times! What more could you want?" I sob.

"Do it!" He pulls the lever I was so terrified of and once more, electricity fills my body to the point where I almost black out.

"Fine!" I scream, I could feel blood coming out of my nose.

I focused on the little girl who looked no older than 8.

"I'm so so sorry," I mutter.

I picture the doll in the girl's hand and suddenly, a lifesize version of that doll was in front of me.

I sobbed even more, I knew that this whole process was quite painful.

I quickly turned her back. She looked traumatized.

I was just glad that I was able to turn her back and that Allison would wipe her memory after.

"I think that will conclude this section of testing." My father announces.

I sob with relief and swore that I would never shapeshift another person again. Only myself.

I woke with a jolt.

My eyes opened groggily, but I quickly scanned my surroundings.

I was no longer at the Jenkins cabin, I recognized this room. It was the medical room at the Academy.

I looked to my right and saw Allison lying still, except for her chest rising and falling with her breath.

I sighed with relief. Allison was okay. I assumed that the boys had brought us back.

I sat up and winced. I looked down at my leg and remembered that I had previously had wood stabbed into it.

It was wrapped and had a brace on it.

I could practically feel the broken bones. I looked next to my bed and saw crutches.

I got out of bed and used the crutches to walk out of the room.

I heard a door open and saw Vanya standing in the entrance hallway.

Then, I saw Luther across the way. He hadn't noticed me, but his eyes were set on Vanya and they were burning with rage.

I quickly hobbled out before he could smash her to a pulp.

Vanya turned around at my footsteps and gasped at me, "Did I do this to you?" Her voice shook.

I wasn't angry though, "Yes. But it's okay. I forgive you."

She looked relieved. "Allison is fine too?" She asked and I nodded.

"I-I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me and I know that it wasn't yours or Allison's fault that I didn't know about my powers. That was Dad." She looked down and started to cry.

I gave her as best a hug as I could with my crutches.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. We're both fine and I'm sure Allison will forgive you when she wakes up. The important thing now is that we're all safe and you are no longer with Harold Jenkins." I soothed.

At the mention of his name, she tensed up, "What happened to him?" I asked.

"He's dead." She whispered.

I must have looked really surprised because she giggled at my face.

"Did you-" I moved my thumb across my throat.

Vanya looked down again and slightly nodded, "I-I didn't mean to. He was just being really mean to me, and-" she sighed, "I lost control of my powers again."

"It's okay. He was a bad person. And actually, I'm glad you killed him because he was the one who would have started the apocalypse."

She looked up with wide eyes, "That was him?"

I nodded and she looked slightly better.

"Y/n?" I turned to see Five standing in the hallway with a margarita in his hand.

"Hey, Five." I walked over to him with my crutches, and Vanya followed.

"What are you doing? You are supposed to be resting." He points to the medical room.

"I'll be fine. Plus, we need to celebrate Vanya stopping the apocalypse." I waved him off.

Five stared at Vanya in wonder, "That was you?"

She nodded and looked down.

"Respect." Five held out a hand for a high-five and Vanya obliged, her smile coming back on.

I grinned at the two.

"Come on, let's celebrate with margaritas." Five gestures towards the bar.

"I think I'm actually gonna go rest," Vanya says.

I smile and nod.

She walks away and I see Luther about to follow.

"Luther," I call and he turns to look at me, "Come here."

He obliges and walks to me, "Yes?"

"I know what you are going to do. But don't. Do you think Allison would want that? If anything, you will provoke her powers and plus, she saved us from the apocalypse. She killed Jenkins. It's time to start forgiving." I say.

Luther sighs and nods, "Fine."

"Thank you."

"I'm gonna go check on Allison." Luther points to the medical room and I nod.

Then I go to the bar where Five has made another margarita.

"Can you believe it?" I asked as Five handed me the margarita.

"Honestly, no." Five took a sip.

I chuckled, "We did it. We can have the life we always wanted, get married, raise the baby."

He smiles, "So what should we do now?"

I grin, "Well..."

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