Chapter Nineteen

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Five POV:

"I think I got something Five." I look over at Y/n as she circles four things on my wall with chalk.

I walk over and look, "It's doubtful."

She sighs, "Yeah. But we don't have anything else. Unless you have something better?"

"No. No, I don't" I sigh.

"What's all this?" I turn around to see that Luther has entered the room.

"It's a probability map," Y/n explains.

"Probability of what?" Luther walks up to the board.

"Of whose death could save the world. Y/n narrowed it down to four." I smile at her and she grins back.

"Are you saying one of these four people cause the apocalypse?" Luther points at the names Y/n circled.

"No, we're saying that their death may prevent it." Y/n fidgets with her rings. I could tell she was getting anxious.

"I'm not following."

I sigh, "Time is fickle, Luther. Even the smallest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes."

"The butterfly effect." Y/n clarifies.

"Right. So all we have to do is find the person with the biggest possibility of impacting the timeline. Find them and kill them."

"Oh." Luther looks at the names, "Milton Green. Who's he like a terrorist or something?"

"I believe he is a..." I snap my fingers, not remembering.

"Gardener." Y/n looks at me.


"You can't be serious." Luther looks at us in disbelief, "Wait, this is madness. You-"

I pulled a rifle out from under the bed.

"Where did you get that?" Luther looked shocked.

"Dad's room." Y/n shrugged.

"I think he used it to kill a rhino." I pulled it out, "It's similar to the model we used at work. Nice shoulder fit."

"Highly reliable." Five comments. I nod.

"But you guys can't..." Luther starts, "This guy, Milton, he's just an innocent man."

"It's basic math. His death could potentially save the lives of billions. If we did nothing, he'd be dead in for days anyways." I say.

"The apocalypse won't spare anyone," Y/n adds.

"We don't do this kind of thing," Luther states.

"We aren't doing anything." Y/n points to herself, Luther, and me.

"We are." I point to Y/n and me.

"I can't let you go and kill innocent people. No matter how many lives you'll save."

"Well, good luck stopping us," I say and start toward the door.

"You're not going anywhere." Luther threatens

I hear a gasp and turn around to see Luther holding Y/n, MY Y/n by the scruff of her neck out the window. I aim the shotgun at him.

"Put. Her. Down." I step closer.

"Put the gun down Five. You're not killing anyone. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her or the gun. You chose."

"Not just her," I mutter under my breath. I knew I couldn't let Y/n or the baby die, but would Luther actually do this?

"You wouldn't do that to your own sister," I call his bluff.

"Watch me." Luther drops her.

"Y/N!" I blink, catch her and blink back to the room. I set her down on the bed as she catches her breath and rubs her stomach.

I turn around to see Luther holding the gun now. Now a drop of emotion on his face.

Y/n gasps and I turn back to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She nods.

"Is the baby okay?" I whisper.

She nods again.

"I can keep doing this all day." Luther breaks the gun.

Y/n stands up and walks up to Luther. She slaps him on the face and then punches him numerous times.

"¡Perra! ¡Podrías haberme matado a mí y a mi hijo! Y luego Five te torturaría como nunca antes has sentido una tortura, ten suerte de que me haya salvado."

Translation: Bitch! You could have killed me and my child! And then Five would torture you as you've never felt torture before, be lucky he saved me.

Luther looks confused and doesn't understand, but I do.

Finally, she looks satisfied and comes to sit next to me, but I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her waist.

Luther raises his eyebrows but doesn't question it.

"Look, I know you are still good people. Otherwise, you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all."

"I'm starting to regret that decision," Y/n mutters. I chuckle.

Luther continues, "But it's not just you two anymore."

"Three," I whisper.

"There is one way," I say.

Y/n looks at me with wide eyes.

"No Five! We don't know what could happen! Plus its just about impossible!"

"More impossible than what brought you here?" Luther asks.

I sigh and Luther leaves.

"Love I'm sorry, it's the only way," I tell her.

"Then I'm coming." She insists.

"Like hell, you're not!"

She raises her eyebrows.

"I can't risk you or the baby getting hurt. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to either of you."

She sighs and looks down, "Fine. I'll stay here."

"Good." I kiss her passionately.

We pull apart and stand up.

"Well," I look into her e/c eyes. "Time to catch up with some old friends."

She laughs and I blink us downstairs.

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