Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I apologize if there is no photo at this top for the last few chapters, I'm not able to tell if there's a photo or not.

Y/n POV:

"Oh my..."

I snap my head toward Grace, "What? What is it? Is something wrong?"

Grace shakes her head, "No. But you aren't pregnant with one child."

Five and I glance at each other, "What do you mean?" Five looks really worried.

Grace turns to us, "You are pregnant with twins."

I gape at her. Twins?, "Twins?" Five voices my thoughts.

Grace nods, "Yes, twins. Would you like to know the genders?"

I shake my head, "No, we want it to be a surprise."

Grace nods again, "But, your babies look perfectly healthy."

I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding.

Five grips my hand and smiles at me. I couldn't wait to tell everyone else.

"But, I would suggest having weekly check-ups from now on." Grace suggests.

"Okay." She takes the stuff off my stomach and I get up with Five to tell everyone else.

"I guess Allison and Vanya will be godmothers," I whisper.

"Ya, but who should the other godfather be? Klaus or Diego?"

"Klaus. He went through a lot when he time-traveled. This might help."

Five nods, "Good idea."

We call a family meeting and tell everyone about the twins and who the godparents will be.

Luther doesn't look surprised, but Diego looks a little disappointed.

"Don't worry Diego, you'll be next." I smile and his face brightens.

"Do you have names yet?" Allison looks at Five and me.

"Well, we don't know the gender and we have to come up with more possible names now. But yes, we do." Five squeezes my hand and gives me a smile.

"Are you gonna tell us?" Vanya looks hopeful.

"Nope." I grin.

They all sigh, "We expected as much." Luther said.

Two months later:

Five POV:

The babies were due to arrive next week and I was so excited. After all those years of waiting, I will finally be a father.

I glanced over at Y/n sleeping peacefully. God I loved her.

As I was about to drift back into sleep, I heard a scream next to me.

I turned to see Y/n wide awake and sitting up.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked and started to feel something wet on the bed.

She looked at me, "My water broke."

I immediately got up and took her in my arms.

I ran down the stairs and yelled for Grace which probably woke everyone up.

Grace finally appeared and ushered us into the medical room.

By this time, everyone else had gathered asking what was going on.

"She's going into labor," Grace told us.

"Everyone except the father, out." She ordered everyone.

They looked hesitant, but still left.

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