Chapter Two

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( One week later )

"Five!" I giggled as he held my book above his head. I looked into his beautiful green eyes, eyes that I could get lost in forever. He leaned in and looked at my lips... Ring Ring Ring! He pulled away as Grace rang the breakfast bell, he put my book on my bedside table and we walked downstairs.

"I'm gonna ask Dad if I can time travel again" he whispered to me

"Good luck!" I whisper back. We all stood at our chairs. Diego noticed me and Five holding hands.

"Ooh, are you guys like dating or something?" Diego questioned. All eyes turn to us. I let go of Five's hand and we both blush.

"Shut up Diego," I tell him. Then Sir Reginald Hargreeves enters.

"Sit," Dad said. We all sat. Five was glaring at Dad with hatred. Luther and Allison were making lovey-dovey eyes at each other's eyes. Eww! Diego was fidgeting with his knife under the table, Klaus was eating his "candy", and both Ben and Vanya were reading. Five gripped my hand under the table, then with his other hand stabbed his butter knife into the table. I flinched.

"Number five?" Father asked

"I have a question" Five stated

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules, no talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." He bluntly explained without looking up.

"I want to time travel"


"But I'm ready" Five states. "I've been practicing my spatial jumps just like you said." Five stands up. And blinks next to Dad.

"See?" Five asks as Dad has still not looked up. Everyone was staring at them now.

"A spatial jump is trivial," Dad starts, "when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and repairing as an acorn." Dad explains.

"I don't get it."

"Hence the reason you're not ready."

I shake my head at Five, telling him to stop, but he just turns to Dad and says, "I'm not afraid."

"Fear isn't the issue, the effects it might have on your body, even on your mind are far too unpredictable. Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore!" Dad turns to Five while slamming down his silverware.

Five turned and locked eyes with me. I blinked over to him and we started to run towards the door.

"Number Five! Number Eight! You have not been excused!" Dad yells at us but we were already gone. As we ran along the sidewalk, Five and I worked together and we landed in the future.

"Not ready my ass." Five whispers. I giggle. We jump two more times and find ourselves facing... Nothing. I immediately stop giggling. We look at each other and worry spreads across our faces. We run back toward the academy to find it in ruins.

"Klaus! Ben!" I yell, and I can't believe I did this but, "Dad!"

"Anyone!" Five and I start to look through the wreckage. I see adult bodies and I realize that those are our sibling's bodies. I find Diego and Klaus's bodies. Five calls me over as he finds Luther's body. Luther is holding an eye in his hands. Five grabs the eye and we keep looking. Eventually, we find Allison's body too. I started to wonder where Ben, Vanya, and Dad's bodies were but I couldn't take it anymore.

I fell to my knees and started to sob. I looked over to see Five trying to get back, but his powers weren't working. I look back down to the ground and I feel arms wrap around me and look up to see Five. But wait.... This can't be right... Five was crying! He never cried. But here he was... hugging me as we cried and mourned the loss of our family. Eventually, our tears ran dry and we set out to find other possible survivors. There were none. We were the last people on earth.

One Year Later

It's been a year since Five and I got stuck in the apocalypse. We never found out what did destroy the human race. But we didn't care, seeing as it would be no use. It's been a year and during that year I would be lying if I said I didn't start liking him even more. No, I loved him. But I was scared he wouldn't love me back, so I kept quiet.

Every day since we got stuck together, Five would apologize to me, saying how he was sorry he got me in this mess, and every day I would tell him that I would rather be with him in the apocalypse than without him at home.

All these thoughts run through my head as I eat our breakfast. Well, if you can call dead crickets breakfast. Suddenly Five blinks next to me and grabs my hand and blinks us away. We land in a beautifully decorated courtyard. Five turns to me and holds my hands.

"Y/n, ever since I knew what the word love meant, I knew that's what I thought about you. Love. I understand if you don't like me back, bu-" He gets cut off as I connect our lips. It was amazing. His lips were soft and after a few seconds, we pulled away.

"I love you too Five," I whisper.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

"Hmm..." I pretend to think "Yes! Of course you big doofus!" I tell him and he connects our lips together once again. Best. Day. Ever!

A/N: I'm just gonna skip to the important parts so you can understand the story more, and then get back to the actual storyline.

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