Mr. Igneel

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Natsu's POV

"Son! what has gotten into you?!" my dad shouted at me

"I don't want to marry Lisanna!!" I shouted back

"You have to get married soon or else no one will inherit our company!!" He shouted back

I looked up to the girl beside me
She looks frightened

"Dad! I don't want the company! I want to be a racer!"

A racer huh? That just came out from my mouth, since I really don't want the company

"A racer?! A deliquent?!" He asked warily

"Daaaad!! My girlfriend is here!!" I yelled

He seem to recognize and sat

"Hello young lady, I'm sorry for the trouble, What's your name?" My dad ask

Yeah, I don't even know her name

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia" she said, scared

She's pretty cute, but she's annoying

"Welcome Lucy, I'm Igneel Dragneel, the father of this annoying child" my dad pointed at me

Lucy's POV

His dad is scary, he's like a dragon

"N-nice to meet you" I said

"Nice to meet you too, as you can see, my son needs to get married as soon as possible, since he doesn't want to marry Lisanna, there's Lucy here, his girlfriend" Mr. Igneel explained

"WHAT?!" me and this boy shouted at the same time

"Uh, dad, were like you know, in the middle of the date and then the guards came running, I was so ashamed" He said

"See you LATER son" he said emphasizing the word later

We walked out with fake smiles and went to the garden to talk

"I hate you" I mumbled

"I hate you even more!" He replied

"Why did you drag me into this?!" I asked, mad

"It's hard to marry the person you don't even love at least a bit!" he said

"What's your name?" I asked, I'm sure I heard Natsu earlier, but I'm not sure

"Natsu Dragneel" he held his hand out

"Lucy Heartfilia" I took his hand and shook it

"So?" He said

"What?" I asked

"Please bear with it" he pleaded

It sure is hard to marry the person you don't love

"I understand, marrying the person you don't love, but you don't even love me either!" I yelled

"I swear, I'll do what it takes not to get married" he said

"You'd better" I said

"Sir, Ma'am, Mr. Igneel is now calling you" the guard said

This will get tricky
We walked to his Father's office again immediately

"Yo dad" he said

"Don't 'yo dad' me! Lisanna is complaining to the Dragneel family!" he said

"So? What do I have to do about it?" He asked his dad

Why am I getting dragged into thiiis?? T-T I wanna go hooome
I just planned on buying a cake for myself and all this happened T-T

"Then, very well, if you can't marry Lisanna, you just have to marry Lucy Heartfilia here" Mr. Igneel said

Wait what?! no way! Natsu is a butt!

"No dad! Um, her parents! They still doesn't know!" Natsu said

"Then let's call her parents" Mr. Igneel said while staring at me like he want me to say my parents' phone numbers


They both stared at me, I had teary eyes

"I-I-I don't have a family" I cried

They both looked shocked

"I'm sorry" His dad mumbled, silence filled the room

"I'm so sorry Luce" Natsu said

"It's alright" I said

"You don't even know this Dragneel?!" His dad yelled

"Well! I forgot!" Natsu said

He's such a liar

"Dad! Slow down! We need to continue our date!" Natsu said and grabbed me out of the room to continue our 'fake date'


Natsu wants to be a racer?! *laughs* yeah! Hilarious! I hope he doesn't get motion sickness *laughs*


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