Sting and Lisanna..AGAIN

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"Beating up a girl? Are you gay?!" I asked, acting surprised "Oh Sting you never told me that you were Gay!!"

I kicked him oh the face

"Hey!" He yelled

And I punched him with all I have

Sting shrugged "Your getting on my nerves" he said

"Oh I'm not getting on anywhere" I said "Your a lie Sting"

"Your stepping on the line!!" He yelled

"Then don't draw one!" I yelled before he could punch me again and then he pinned me on the wall

"Lisanna, punish her" Sting said

But before Lisanna could hurt me, Someone came hoping that it was Natsu

"Nice comeback" He said

"N-Natsu!!" I yelled and felt very happy

"What are you doing here freaks?" Natsu asked "Don't you dare lay a finger on her again!!!!!"

"She is nothing but trash!" Lisanna yelled and Natsu held her neck

"She is not a trash, She's the most wonderful person ever!" he said and let Lisanna go while she was shivering with fear "She is not a garbagae like you two"

I was so surprised by his words!!

"Our plan failed" Sting whispered

"What is your plan anyway?" Natsu asked

"Take Lucy so she can be my slave, or I can just kill her" Sting said
With that Natsu snapped and punched Sting again and again leaving him passed out, Lisanna retreated like a coward while Sting on her shoulders

"Are you hurt?" Natsu asked me

I shook my head no

"Actually, I know how to fight you idiot" I said

"I don't care, I'm here to protect you" Natsu smiled

There it is again his smile
I felt myself blush

"I knew it" He laughed "Levy was right! That record was right!"

"You heard it?!" I yelled and punched his shoulders

"They made me" Natsu laughed

"I hate you" I pouted

"Can you?" He asked leaving me speechless

"Natsu!" I saw Happy getting in the apartment while panting

"You left me!" He yelled

"And?" Natsu asked while still laughing at me

"Where were you all of a sudden?" I asked

Natsu's POV

Actually I can't answer that now

"I'm sorry, But I can't answer that now" I said

She pouted, She's so cute, I pinched her cheeks

"H-Hey!" She yelled at me and then blushed

"Actually, Natsu is planning on pro--" I covered Happy's mouth

Damn Happy, He's such an idiot

"B-Baka!" I yelled at him

"Planning on?" Lucy asked

"N-Nothing" I said and blushed

Actually these past few days, I was practicing, I planned on proposing to Lucy to be my WIFE and practiced for at least 2 weeks at what I'm gonna say, I was embarrased by myself

Even her friends helped me, They're nice

"Oooh! Natsu is spacing out" Lucy said and laughed

"I told you because he was gonna prop--" I covered Happy's mouth again

"Seriously Happy?!" I yelled

He just laughed, Way to go Happy your teasing again

Lucy laughed "Oh! I get it"

"Liar" I hissed

"Fine! I don't get anything at all! so explain" She ordered me

Oh men, She's tough as a nail

"I told you I can't" I stuck my tongue out playfully and we kinda played tag and fell on her bed

"I have decided!" I yelled

"What?" She asked surprised at my sudden yell

"I'm gonna spend the night here" I said and laughed

"No way!" She squeeled "I can write on your face!! Amazing idea!"

I sighed "I'm gonna be the one that's gonna do that!"

We ended up staying up all night

"We can't write on each others faces" I said

"Y-yeah I'm so sleepy" She said

I looked at her and we both nodded and grabbed our pens

"One look and you already know what to do?" I asked her

"Of course I get you Idiot" She replied

We both wrote on Happy's face while his sleeping peacefully and we both laughed silently

"Good idea" She whispered

"Time to sleep" I said and we fell asleep side by side


I wonder what will happen next? Clue: Danger, or normal maybe? Read the next chapter!


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