Continuing our 'fake date'

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Lucy's POV

"Let's just walk" he suggested while still grabbing my arm

We just talked while walking

"I'm sorry about your parents" he said

"No, it's alright" I replied

"So, just tell me about you" he said with a hint of red in his face


"There's really nothing in my life" I said

He pointed at a small restaurant "Let's eat there"

"Sure" I replied

He's not so bad after all, to be honest, he's really charming

We walked in the restaurant and sat down

"What?" I said cause he kept on staring at me

"I just don't wanna marry Lisanna" he said sadly

"Who is she anyway?" I asked

"She's my childhood bestfriend, I don't like her" he replied

"Oh, I heard your dad earlier to inherit the company?" I ask

"Yes, he's retiring" he said

"Maybe he's tired of being in crap" I told him

"Yeah" he said

"Well, I'm in a crap too you know!" I suddenly yelled

"Whatever!" he yelled back and stuck out his tongue

"Brat" I said




"What did you say?!!" I get annoyed

"Short tempered!" He yelled while sticking his tongue out

He gets through my nerves, but I admit it, He's kinda cute

He ran outside and I chased him ready to give him a punch

"Come back here coward!" I yelled

"Not a chance!" He yelled back

Natsu's POV

This girl is insane, But I like her, did I just say LIKE?!?!
So what? I'd rather like Lucy than Lisanna, that girl gives me the creeps

"Lucy, say--" I was cutted off by a girl

"Natsu!!" she called me, that voice irritates me

Lucy and me looked behind and there we saw Lisanna waving her hands
I know she's cute and all but I just don't feel something special about her, she's really just a friend

"Are you cheating on me Natsu?!" Lisanna asked me

Geez -__-

"You have a girlfriend?!" Lucy shouted

"Yes! I'm his girlfriend!" Lisanna shouted at her

Lucy was getting ready to punch her, The nerve of this girl

"Lisanna! You were never my girlfriend!" I finally yelled

She was shocked

"So your Lisanna?" Lucy asked

"Yes I'am!!" she yelled

"Stop Yelling!!" Lucy yelled back, finally Lisanna shuts up

"Hey, I know you" Lisanna mumbled to Lucy

"I think I know you too" Lucy said

I'm completely out of place here

"Enough!!!!" I shouted

"Natsu is getting married! And I'm his fiance!" Lisanna started it again

"No your not!" I said

Lisanna snaps and started crying, she ran away

"Coward" I whispered

"I think I know her" Lucy told me

I gave a questioning look

"That's right! She's my bestfriend's little sister!" She said

I just nodded
I'm not interested in Lisanna

"Damn you Dragneel!" she started chasing me again

I ran and ran
Until my phone rang

Lucy's POV

He's phone rang, I wonder who it is

After 10 minutes

What a phone call

"Lucy" he mumbled

"Yes?" I asked

What is it? I feel nervous all of a sudden

"My brother is coming back tomorrow" He explained

"So?" I raised my eyebrow

"Meet me tomorrow at Jerza's Cake Shop and wear nice clothes! Make yourself look like a human you monster!" He shouted

Monster? Well, excuse me

"Excuse me Mr. Dragneel, This monster is quite hot" I said

And then he burst out laughing

"I have an idea for tomorrow and I really want you to hear it! It's genius!" He explained

"Yeah yeah, whatever, I'm gonna go home it's late" I told him while waving goodbye

But then he grabbed my arm

"I'm gonna take you home" He started dragging me

"Hey! You don't even know where it is!" I yelled while stopping him

"Fine! Lead the way you monster!" he yelled back

I started walking and after 30 minutes we reached my apartment

"You live here?" he asked

"No, That's why I sleep here" I said sarcastically

That idiot

"Whatever, bye darling" he said

"Bye MONSTER" I said and ran upstairs before he could tease me again

He waved bye and left

Natsu's POV

"Damn, my plan is gonna work" I mumbled

I'm looking forward to seeing that hot monster again


What do you think of our MONSTER COUPLE? Isn't it cute >////<
I wonder who's Natsu's brother is, Find out on the next chapter *smirk*


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