Cana and her Mysterious Boyfriend

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Natsu's POV

The next day - 1:00 pm

"Hey Natsu" Lucy said "Since THIS has started, let's go meet Cana's boyfriend!" She squealed

"Yeah, THIS HAS started, from the day we spied Levy and Gajeel" I laughed

"I've never met Cana's boyfriend before" She said "And I know where to find them"

Lucy Grabbed me out of the room and Happy flew to follow us

"Where are you taking us?" Happy said

"To the Bar!" Lucy said

We just walked again, we don't have a car you know!

We entered the bar and it's full of boys and I can only see one girl 'Cana'

"WILD FOUR!!" They all yelled

They're all wild huh?

"What are we?!" Some guy asked while raising his cup of booze

"WILD!" The others said including Cana

We came up to them

"Hello Welcome to Quattro Cerberus!" The guy said

"Lu!" Cana yelled, drunk as always

"Hey Cana! I came here to meet your mysterious boyfriend" Lucy said

"I thought I already told you" Cana said

"Well, Your always forgetting" Lucy said

Then someone entered the bar yelling

"Cana! My daughter! Lunch is ready!" The man yelled

Lunch at 1:00 pm? Isn't that late?

"Oh yeah! Hey! Dad!!" Cana yelled and his so called 'dad' came up to him

Then I realized

"Hey!" I grabbed his arm

"I know you" He said

"Gildarts!" We bro fist

"Good thing you know each other" Cana said

"Well, Gildarts is a friend of my dad" I said

"How are you? You've grown a lot, and you got yourself a pretty girlfriend" He said while pointing at Lucy

Lucy blushed

"Aye!" Happy said

"How's Igneel?" He asked

"Were fine" I said smiling

"Daughter, we need to eat!" Gildarts told Cana

"But Dad, they said they want to meet my 'Mysterious Boyfriend'" Cana said

"He's at home" Gildarts groaned

"Well, let's go Lu" Cana said

And Lucy nodded

We all left at Quattro Cerberus Bar

And went to Cana's house where we can find his 'Mysterious Boyfriend' come to think of it, I haven't heard him before wonder what his like

We entered and there we saw Cana's boyfriend, drinking booze


"Hey Dad!" The guy welcomed "Hello Darling"

"Hello! This is Lucy and Natsu and Happy" Cana pointed to us "And Everyone this is my boyfriend, Bacchus"

"Hi Bacchus" Lucy waved

"Hello, Your a friend of Cana right?" He asked

"Yes we are" I said looking at him

"C'mon let's drink guys" Gildarts groaned at him "Were gonna eat lunch"

"Okay Dad" He said and Cana prepared a sit for us and we sat down

"So nice to meet you Bacchus" Happy said

"Nice to meet you too talking cat, RARE?! THAT IS SO WIILD" Bacchus said

"Were the wilds" Cana said and laughed

"Seriously" Gildarts groaned

We ate the food

"Who made this?" I asked

"Me" Bacchus said

He actually cook?!

"It's great!" Lucy and I said and laughed

"I wish Natsu can do this" Happy said

Gildarts laughed

"Natsu is an idiot, you expect him to cook" Gildarts said and laughed

"H-hey" I said and blushed

"Don't worry Natsu, I'll teach you someday" Lucy said and pinched my cheeks

I nodded and laughed

We ate the food, it was so delicious

Bacchus was it?

"Bacchus!" I called

"Yeah, wanna showdown?" He asked "The first to finish the booze wins"

"Cool! I'm in!" I said

"Well, I'm in too!" Gildarts said "A challenge for boys!"

"No fair!" Cana said

Lucy laughed and Happy chuckled

"Are you saying that Happy is gay?!" Lucy laughed

"I'm a cat!" Happy yelled

And so we started to drink our booze, It was like one bottle

But Bacchus won
I'm in second place
Gildarts, dead last

"You cheated!" Gildarts yelled

And we all laughed

It was fun actually


Cana and Bacchus?! Perfect! Check ya later!


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