Searching for Lucy

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Natsu's POV

11:00 pm

"I can't sleep" I mumbled

I'm really worried about Lucy, I'm gonna kill Sting

I can't help it, I somehow feel nervous, Ugh, I don't know

Lucy's POV

I can't stand up, If only I'm not tied, why did he tied me anyway!?!!

I hate Sting! Just because I don't love him back means I hate him! But now, I really hate him! He started to hurt me since earlier!!!

I managed to stood up
Sting appeared

"Well Well Well, Your standing up" Sting said

"..." I didn't reply, I couldn't reply either!

He came up to me and he held my chin, This is my chance!!

I kicked his crotch and kicked his head and I managed to ran away from him

"You! How dare you?!" He told me, He started chasing me

I don't have any energy left, Oh no! He's gonna catch me!!!!!






He caught me!! and punched my face, I spit blood

"How'd you like that?" Sting smirked

"Y-Your E-E-evil" I whispered under my breath

"Oh? Is that so?" He asked and kicked me in the stomach

I felt nothing but pain

Natsu's POV

I-I need to save her soon!! I need to save her now!!

No, I have no clue where she is, I know! I can track Sting's number!

After a day

I jumped out from bed and took a shower and then get dressed

I woke up Happy

"We need to save her! I have an Idea!" I yelled at him and then dashed out of the room

I ran to my Father's office

"I will track down Sting's number! Help me! Onegai" I bowed to dad

His eyes widen

"Son.." he went on "I've never seen you, like this before"

"Dad please, I really need to save her, I love her" I cried while still bowing

"O-okay, We will track down Sting" He said and then some guards entered

"Sir, Some people are insisting to come in". The guards said

"We need to talk to them!" Erza shouted

"I told you not to come in!" The guards said while pushing them out

Mirajane and Erza started to punched the guards

"Don't get in our way! We need to save our friend!!" Mirajane yelled

Cana and Juvia kicked the guards that fell

Even Gray,Gajeel and Jellal were here

"Let them in!" I yelled

They let them in and apologized

"Are you Lucy's friends?" dad asked

"Yes sir, were very sorry for trespassing but --" Erza didn't finish

"It's alright, I'm Igneel, we need to rescue Lucy right away, you don't know Sting" Dad told them

They gasped

We tracked down Lucy

"I think I know where Lucy is" Happy said

"YOU DO?!" We all asked, surprised

"When I was new to this house, I got to talk to Sting, I asked, 'what is your biggest secret?' He said 'I live in a forest, the closest forest in Magnolia'" Happy said

"Let's go!" We all ran and my dad drove the car

"To the nearest forest in Magnolia dad! Hurry!" I yelled

"Hai Hai" dad said

I can't help but worry, I know I already thought this but-- Lucy's in grave danger, Sting is a killer! That's his biggest secret! He killed people, I don't why! Is he that desperate?!

We reached the forest

"I'll be here, keeping an eye" Levy, Cana and Juvia said

"I'll be here too" Jellal added

"Aye!" Happy said "Me too!"

"Me either" Dad said

Mirajane, Erza, Me, Gray and Gajeel walked into the forest
Not so long
We found a house

"That's it!" I yelled
We came in


Sting is so annoying, But I'm the author, I hate myself *laughs* more intense stories coming right up! Read the next chapter!


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