Revenge on Mirajane the matchmaker

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Lucy's POV

The next day - It's 10:00 am

I laughed

"What?!" Natsu asked

"I just had something on my mind" I said and laughed evilly

Natsu and Happy shrugged

"Mirajane is on her job today, I planned on decorating her house" I laughed

"Hm? I'm in!!" Happy raised his hand

We both glared at Natsu

"Uh, Fine!" He groaned

"I have decorations here" I said

Natsu carried the bag

"I'm gonna carry it" I said

"No. It's my job to carry it, Your my girlfriend anyway" He smirked

I blushed, so the girlfriend thingy is official

I hugged him

"What?" He asked

"I just missed you" I said

"You've been with me since every day" He laughed

I just chuckled
We left the apartment and walked to Mira's house
It's not so far away by the way

I grabbed a key from my pocket and opened the door

"Where did you get the key?" Natsu asked

"Oh, she gave it to me cause whenever I can't pay my stupid rent I sleep here" I said

"Oh" Happy said "Sleepover!!"

We entered

"Woah, It's so neat and nice" Natsu said wondering around

Happy flew "This is awesome, Lucy's Apartment is nice and all but it's nothing compared to this"

"Don't ever sleep there again!" I yelled

"I was just kidding Lucy, Your the best!" Happy said

"What're you doing here?" Someone entered

"Woah!!" We all looked surprised

"Lucy?" Laxus asked

"It was just you Laxus you scared me to death" I said

Natsu laughed

"So, help us" Happy said

"Uh, where?" Laxus asked

"Decorate this house and surprise Mirajane, consider this as revenge" I said

"Revenge?" Natsu raised an eyebrow

"Well, she always match make and evrything we all call her the MATCHMAKER" I said scaring them off

Natsu gulps

"That's my Girlfriend alright" Laxus said

"Aye!!" Happy raised his hand

We started decoration her house on the inside

"I'll cook" I said and then I grabbed the ingredients

"You consider this as revenge?" Natsu asked

"Well, Yeah, she gets embarassed whenever I do this to her, she don't like being surprised cause she thinks it's just a burden, well, this is her day!" I yelled out while cooking some food

"I actually bought a necklace for her, but I remembered she's at work" Laxus explained

Natsu covered the table with cloth

After a few minutes

"Done!" I yelled and placed the food on a plate and I brought it onto the table

"It looks delicious!" Natsu said

"Don't even think about it" I said

"Mira's on her way here" Laxus said while checking his phone

"Good! we'll hide" I said and grabbed Natsu and Happy

A few hours later

"She said she's on er way" I whispered to Natsu

"It's been hours" Natsu whispered back


"Hello! Laxus!" Mirajane hugged Laxus

We all came out of where were hiding

"Surprise!!" We all yelled

"Everyone, You don't have to" She said shyly

"Come on Mira sit down" Mira sat down with Laxus

"Itadakimasu!" Mirajane yelled and started to eat "Who made this?"

"I made it" I said raising my hand

"It's pretty good" Natsu said

"Why're you eating?!" I asked surprised

"Yeah Lucy! You should make this at home" Happy said

"You too?!" I asked shocked again

"C'mon Luce say 'ah'" Natsu said placing a spoon in my mouth

I opened my mouth and ate on what's on the spoon

"It's actually nice" I said

We had fun that night, so much fun that we got home late


MiraXus! Do you ship them? Well I do! Check ya later!


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