Igneel the Marriage Planner

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Natsu's POV

I woke up early and got ready
I went to Lucy's apartment
And knocked

"Come in" She told me

I came in

"What brought you here?" She asked

"Just to talk" I said

Lucy's POV

Talk? Is he gonna say that it's over? since someone's gonna inherit the company already?! What if--?!

"..Cy..LUCY!" He yelled at me "Stop spacing out"

I nodded



"WHAAT?! WHEN?!!?" I asked, surprised


"WE NEED TO STOP HIM" I yelled back

Then someone knocked

I opened the door

The landlady was there

"Please yell more quietly!" She yelled sarcastically

We nodded and apologized

She left

"We need to calm down" He suggested

"Yeah, Actually, I have a wonderful plan" I smirked

"I hope it's not evil" He said

We talked about the plan *talk**talk**talk*

"Great plan!" He said and we hi-fived

I carried Happy since he was still asleep
And we went to the car

Car?! Car?! Car?!

"Car?! Your not dizzy or anything?!" I asked him

"There's a driver, I forgot Happy is not with me and then I took the car, luckily, the driver is there" He said

"You rode the car without noticing the driver? How stupid!" I said

Then Happy woke up

"Hello Natsu's Girlfriend" He said

"Just call me Lucy" I told him

"Ok" He nodded "Hello Lucy's Boyfriend!"

"Call me Natsu you cat! What you usually call me" He said

"Fine! I like teasing you know!" Happy said and I giggled

The Driver drove the car to Natsu's house

"Your not dizzy?" I asked him

"Why are you so worried?" He smirked

"I'am not! I'm just curious" I told him

"Cause Happy is here" He said

"Aye!" Happy replied

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

And then he explained everything

"Awesome!" I yelled

And we got to their mansion-like house or what so ever

We entered

"Natsu! Did you clean your room?" Happy asked

"Shut it" Natsu said

I laughed , Happy laughed too

We entered Dad's office
Woah I'm calling Natsu's dad, DAD

"Good morning" Dad said

"Good Morning Dad" I said

Natsu smirked

"Get dressed, It's gonna start soon" He said

Natsu and I looked at each other and then nodded

We went to his room

"WHAT A MESS!" I managed to yell only Natsu and Happy can hear

"I told you" Happy said

"Whatever, There's a box there and take a bath" He told me

"Excuse me! I already took a bath" I told him

"I already did too!" he said

"Then let's get dressed you moron!" I told him

Maids came in
The door isn't even closed, Geez

"We'll help you Ms. Lucy Heartfilia" they said and I nodded and went out of the room

Natsu's POV

"It's just you and me Happy" I told the cat
And he's already asleep!!


Someone came, butlers

"We'll help you sir" They said

"Yeah Yeah" I got dressed and then they fixed my hair, and fixed everything that needs to be fixed, my shoes everything!

"We did our job, Goodluck Sir Natsu" They said and left

I looked in the mirror

"I'm Handsome and I know it"

Lucy's POV

The maids fixed me, from head to toe after I got dressed in a white wedding gown
Too bad, This is actually nice, but we need to do our plan

"You look very pretty Ms. Lucy" The maids said while squeeling

"You think so? Just call me Lucy" I told them

"Your very nice too" The other maid said

"Thanks, you too guys" I said

I got out of the room and got inside Natsu's room

"Yo Monster" I called him and he looked at me

... I'm so speechless
He's so handsome, He's so cool and--why am I like this? I can't breathe, My poor heart is gonna explode it's beating so fast

Natsu's POV

She's pretty, I wish this isn't a dream
My heart is beating so fast, Why? Why? Why? Do I like Lucy? Or Do I love Lucy?

We stood there staring at each other

"THEY'RE SO INLOOOOOVE" Happy said after recovering from waking up

Lucy and I came back to our senses and laughed, we didn't say 'I'am not inlve with him' or anything, It's like it was real, Oh what am I saying!?

We walked to my Father's Office and he stared at us

"Look at the couple, you look great" Dad said

"Thanks" Lucy said, smiling

I love her smile
I smiled to my dad
And he smiled

"Then Let's go" Dad said

"But the bride has to take another car right?" Lucy said

"Yes indeed, you'll take the white car with your pet cat

"Aye!" He said, we didn't even notice him coming with us

Dad and I went to the car
Oh great just great! Happy is with Lucy, This is one long hard ride

Lucy's POV

I got in another car with Happy

"You look good ma'am You and Natsu should really be married" he said

I thanked him, looking at Natsu, I already feel guilty, this driver is nice

The plan is gonna work, I think


I love y'all! I wonder what their plan is *laughs* find out in the next chapter


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