Remembering Things

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Natsu's POV

I seem to remember these last few days
Blonde and Chocolate Eyes
It was Lucy

"Lucy.." I mumbled "Happy.."

My head started aching again

I sat there holding my head

"The day we met, J-Jerza's Cake Shop, A-and, the guards, M-Marriage, Lisanna" I gasp at my last word

"It was Lucy" I muttered to myself

I kept on remembering everything without headaches

But there are some memories that's blurry, I can't seem to remember it all

Then someone came inside my room
The Guards

"Sir, You have a letter" the guards said and handed me the letter

I took it and read it out loud

"'Dear Natsu,

I'm sorry for everything, This is the last memory of you, I hope your well, You can't choose what stays and what fades away, I miss you a little too much and a little too often and a little like everyday, I drank 45 booze, I wanted to forget your name, but the only name I forgot was mine, and it turns out, either when I'am drunk or sober, your the only thing that's on my mind, crazy right? I hope you read this, please don't let me go, I'm so tired of feeling sad and helpless, I'm like a daisy, who would choose me in the field full of roses? Nobody, Who can see me? Nobody, Natsu, whatever you do, please be safe, And Lisanna, if that's what you think she is and then go on, Be. With. Her., I can't stop you, you don't even remember me. But I will never regret the day that I loved you. Goodbye my almost lover, I should've known you'd bring me heart ache like most lovers do, Your having headaches when remembering things, it hurts a lot, I'm having heartaches while remembering things, It hurts a lot than headaches, We remember and then we got hurt. I love you Natsu.


I was crying, What is this?!!?

I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to remember everything

When I opened my eyes I was breathing hard

"I-I remember it all! Everything! Lucy, my girlfriend, the only girl that I loved!" I yelled

"Son" Dad called

"I remember it all dad!" I said happily

"But son" Dad tried to say something

"I'm--" I didn't finish

"SHE'S LEAVING SON" Dad said crying

I was surprised and then he read his letter loudly "'Dear Dad,

Hello Mr. Igneel, a.k.a. Dad, thank you so much for everything, but now, I'm leaving, your nice and kind, I wish to be with your family, but I can't I'm sorry for the burden, your like a second dad to me, Take care of Natsu..and Lisanna, I hate to say this but that's what I have to do, I can't push myself to Natsu. I hope your all well, I'll still call to see how Natsu's Doing there with..Lisanna, Dad, promise me, that you'll take care of Natsu, Goodbye Dad.

Lucy Heartfilia'"

"W-what?!!?" I said and cried "But--"


Finally! Natsu remembers!! The start of love <3


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