Runaway Groom and Bride

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Lucy's POV

I'm now in the car with the driver, I know Natsu's already in the Cardia Cathedral

To: 'Natsu the sweet monster'

"Yo! Are you already there?"


From: 'Natsu the monster'

"Yeah, Where are you gonna stop the car?"


To: 'Natsu the monster'

"In front of the abandoned park, I know you know it"


From: 'Natsu the sweet monster'

"I know it alright! Text me when you stop"


Alright..Here goes

"H-Hey, Can you do me a favor?" I asked the driver

"Sure ma'am" he answered

"I really need to do this, Natsu and I don't want to be married YET, Can you please go back home?" I told him

"I know that feeling, when you don't wanna marry YET, cause my mom forced me to marry my girlfriend, but were young, we don't have money, I regret that day,that's why I ended up here, I understand you Ma'am Lucy" he said and drove back home

"Thank you so much" I told him with tears in my eyes "You and your wife can make it through" I added

"Aye!" Happy said

"Thank you" He said and smiled

After a few minutes since nobody's at home but the guards, he parked the car where the guards can't see

"I'm going now Ma'am" he said

I thanked him and he left

"Do you know how to drive Lucy?" Happy asked me

"A little, Now, let's ride!" I squealed and we got to the car

I'm driving I can't believe it!

"Lucy! Slow down!" Happy yelled

I nodded and Slowed down

We parked beside the park and I texted Natsu

To: 'Natsu the sweet monster'

"Were here"

Natsu's POV

Finally! It's awkward here

"Uhm, Dad! I need to go somwhere first!" I told him and left before he could say something

I ran to the abandoned park and there I saw Lucy inside the car with Happy laughing

I went to them

"Monster" I said

She was surprised

"H-Hey" She said

She's blushing

Why? What are they talking about?

Lucy's POV

Omygosh Happy and I were talking how cute Natsu looks and then Natsu came! I'm so embarrased

"Let's go?" He asked

"Alright" I got out and went to the side of the driver's seat


"Actually I have a plan" I told Natsu

"What?" He asked

"Let's pack the night before the wedding, I mean night before wedding?! No, today is the wedding, Let's pack now" I said

We packed our things, He went home first to get his things and came back after a few minutes, we packed everything! as in EVERYTHING, not almost everything though, *sigh*

"Am I gonna put this in the car?" Natsu asked

"The car where I'm gonna ride and then I'll tell the driver to go back home and I'll drive and then me and Happy will go in the abandoned park" I explained

"And then, we'll go back here to hide?" He asked

"Yes, I'm gonna tell the landlady" I got out and talked to my landlady, luckily, she agreed

*End Of Flashback*

Natsu drived and we went back to my apartment

And we got in my room

"Where are we gonna put the car?" I asked

"We'll throw it away" He said

"T-throw?! I know your rich and all but-" I snapped and thought of an idea "Let's give it to Erza and Jellal!"

"Sure sure" He said

"Aye!" Happy shouted

We went to the car again still wearing wedding things

And drove to Jerza's Cake Shop

We walked in and gave the keys to Erza

"What's this?" She asked

"Key to the car outside, Don't worry, That's our gift for you and Jellal, now hurry up and get married" I told them

"You don't have to" Jellal said

"No, take it" They took it

"Why are you wearing a wedding gown?" Erza asked and then laughed

"Long story, We need to go, they might follow us here, careful Erza and Jellal bye" I said and we walked home

After a few minutes

"Hurry!! There they are!!" The guards said

"Shoot!" Natsu sighed under his breathe

"Oh no RUUUN!!" I yelled

Happy's wings appeared and carried the both of us

"Even if your both heavy especially Lucy, I'll carry you up to the tree close to Lucy's apartment and I'll distract them after" Happy said

"Hey I'm not heavy!" I yelled

Natsu smirked

Happy placed us on the top of the tree close to my apartment and Happy left we watched Happy distract them

"I was gonna give them to you but they ran away, there!" Happy pointed random places and the guards nodded and ran

Natsu came down the tree

"I can't" I told him

He sighed

"Jump" he said

"No way" I told him disagreeing

"Hurry up! They still might be near! I'll catch you!" He said

I trust him
I jumped
And he caught me
He's now carrying me bridal style

"Thanks!" I told him

We heard the guards

"That cat tricked us!" The guards said not too far away from us

"Run Natsu" Happy whispered

Natsu ran while he's carrying me and we all went inside my apartment

"That was close" I sighed

"Your heavy Lucy" Natsu said while catching his breath

"I hate you" I mumbled

Happy laughed and Natsu smirked


Runaway huh? You'll get married sooner or later *laughs*
Bye minna! Read the next chapter


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