The Proposal

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Natsu's POV

I Have decided! I'm gonna propose to Lucy, I asked helped from dad and her friends, everybody

I already bought her ring earlier, I'm so excited!!

I'm gonna propose infront of her apartment, where the fountains are

I went out earlier and talked to the controller, yeah if that's even a word, Happy is preventing Lucy from coming out her apartment, I talked to the land lady earlier too, I'm just to excited! that I could talk to the Prime Minister for my Proposal!

"Dad! Let's go!" I called to my dad and he was so excited too

"Finally! My son!" He said almost squealing like a girl

"I'm going too" Sting said and I nodded "Congratulations!!" he told me

We went to the car, yeah, this is a bad idea

I feel so sick

Lucy's POV

What's the matter with Happy?

"Happy, I need to go out" I said

"No you can't!" he yelled at me

I went to the window and I saw it was locked by chains

"Seriously? what's going on?!" I was so shocked "I'm like in prison"

"Promise Lucy, you'll love this, now go get dressed!" He ordered me and handed me a paper bag, and I saw a beautiful dress

"Uh, why?" I asked

"Just hurry up!" He said and I nodded

Natsu's POV

Finally were here, I saw the fountains are already working, It's even prettier than before, And I also saw Erza and the others standing there and they waved

I saw Happy looking out on Lucy's window and I signalled him to let Lucy out

Lucy's POV

"You can go out now" Happy told me

I just gave a questioning look, I'm wearing a very wonderful dress, what's happening?!

I saw the land lady squealing

"Lucy!!!!!" she squealed and pulled me out of my apartment

And there I saw a very handsome Natsu and everybody else too, my friends, all of them

"What's happening?" I asked, I even saw the fountains! It was so pretty

Natsu came up to me

Everybody was squealing so loud
That I felt so nervous

Natsu kneeled down
I felt my heart beat faster and faster and faster! I feel like my heart is gonna explode

"What's happening?" I asked

"Wooohoo!!" Everybody was squealing even my land lady, some are jumping up and down, even Sting is here, I can't believe it what's happening?!

My heart throbbed even faster

"Lucy" Natsu looked at my eyes, I just can't help but blush, Natsu took something from his pocket, a red velvet box, my heart is beating like crazy, he opened it "Lucy Heartfilia, the girl I love so dearly, Will you marry me?"

I saw a ring! I blushed even more! My heart is gonna explode!!!!!!

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes!!!" I finally said and he placed the ring on my ring finger
And he stood up and hugged me

"NALU!!!!" Lisanna yelled


"NALU NALU!!!" Cana shouted

"Yes! Natsu and Lucy!!!" Levy yelled

"NALU!!!!!!!" Juvia screamed

And then everybody started to shout

"NALU NALU NALU NALU NALU NALU!!!" I just felt myself blush while Natsu is hugging me

And then!! He kissed me!! In front of everybody!!!

My eyes widen and I kissed him back

"NALUUUUU!!!!!!!!" some are fangirling, even the boys are shouting

"My son!!! He's gonna get married!!!" Dad said

I can't help but smile while were kissing

"NALU!" Happy started shouting again they all shouted 'NALU' again




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