A talk between 'BROTHERS'

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Natsu's POV

After a day

My head hurts! Lucy's punch is strong! That girl, She's a monster!

"Natsu" Sting called

"What?" I asked

He looked serious

"Is she really your girlfriend?" He asked

"Yeah why?" I asked back

"You see, since high school, Me and Lucy were bestfriends" Sting explained

"How?" I asked

"Cause I always asked her if I could be her boyfriend, but then she'll never answer, I searched for her, and then I saw her again and your getting in my way!" Sting yelled at me

"I was the first!" I yelled back

"I love Lucy! So stay away from her!" He yelled

"I love her more!!" I shouted

Wait, why am I arguing with my brother just cause she loves Lucy?

"Don't you ever dare to hurt her! Or else you'll be sorry! Your my enemy!" Sting shouted

"I will never hurt her! But you might! Don't lay a finger on her! She doesn't love you! Your only her BESTFRIEND!" I said emphasizing the last word

He suddenly punched me

I've never seen him like this, he really loves Lucy

I punched him back

"Stop it!" I yelled

"You stop it!" he yelled back

"What's the commotion boys!?" Dad came in the room and saw us with bruises

"Nothing dad, just a catfight" I said and sent Sting a dead glare

"Catfight?! Yet you have bloods in your faces!" Dad was surprised

"We scratched each other using our sharp paws" Sting said and left the room

"I'm fine dad" I left dad with a questioning face and headed in my room

I decided to text Lucy

To: 'Hot Monster'

"Hey monster! What's up?!"

After at least a minute she answered

From: 'Hot Monster'

"Nothing, how bout you?"

I'm really confused does she like Sting?
Why am I even bothered

Lucy's POV

He replied

From: 'Natsu the idiot'

"Do you like Sting?"

Why am I gonna like Sting?!

To: 'Natsu the idiot'

"I don't, why?"

Natsu's POV

After I saw the words "I DON'T" I suddenly felt happy. I have no idea

To: 'Hot Monster'

"Oh nothing :D bye for now! Have some errands to run!"

After a minute

From: 'Hot Monster'

"Sure! Take care!"

I stood up and started dancing like an idiot

"Why're you dancing like an idiot?" Sting asked

"And what are you? a stalker?" I asked

"Tell me why you were dancing and why you were smiling while on the phone?" Sting said

"It's Lucy, she said she doesn't like you" then I started dancing again

"The fight is still not over" He said and then left

Whatever, It's obvious that I'm gonna win this one and then I danced again

Come to think of it I never knew her birthday

To: 'Hot Monster'

"Hey when's your birthday?"

She replied

From: 'Hot Monster'

"The day after tomorrow"

I started shouting

"NO WAY?!" I yelled and I told myself to get the happiest gift to her
Happiest? Nevermind
Why am I panicking? I don't like that monster!

I need to start thinking, and yet I thought that, I don't like her!

Lucy's POV

Natsu never replied again

"I have to meet up with my friends!"

I get ready and left

We decided to meet up at Jerza's Cake Shop


Oooh! Interesting!


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