Operation #1 - Jerza's Cake Shop Scene

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Lucy's POV

After that day

Natsu can now walk, and stand up

"Okay, Natsu, Stand up" I said and he stood up and groaned everybody was watching the ones here are Erza, Gray and Gajeel along with Juvia and Levy

"Remember when we first met?" I went on "You grabbed me and announced to everyone that I was your girlfriend even if I was not" I smirked

He raised his eyebrows

"I'am so not doing this! I don't even know you! Who knows?! You might be lying to me!" He said, he's lucky his father aren't here to shut him up

Obviously I already failed operation #1

"That's right sweetheart!" Lisanna -_- "She is just lying to get your heart" she sneered

"I don't understand" He looked at me "How can you be so selfish just to get me? You don't even know what I feel!!" He yelled at me and then I kneeled and started crying

He must say that to Lisanna, the nerve of him! I stood up while clenching my fists

"Lucy, That's enough, Let's go" Erza and me along with the others left

I sobbed and cried and everything a sad person can do

"There there, the world of hurt, boys are such a pain" Levy said while rubbing my back

"Hey! I'm not a pain" Gajeel said and Levy laughed

"Tch, We should teach Natsu a lesson" Erza said

"No, It's okay, let him be happy, It's his life after all" I wiped my tears and smiled

"Lucy.." Gray muttered "That idiot Natsu!"

"I better leave and get Happy from Wendy and Carla" By the way, I haven't mention Happy, he's safe with Wendy and Carla right?! And I'm so ready for operation #2! I raised my fists

"Uh, You look stupid" Gajeel said

"Shut it, she's having her moment" Levy whispered to him, "Alright" he whispered back

"I can hear you" I said and we left to go get fetch the cat, fetch the cat? Yeah yeah whatever

Erza leads the way since she was her worker
We entered their house and saw Happy, Wendy and Carla playing

"Happy?" I called

"Lushee!!" He hugged me while crying

Suddenly my heart dropped, I just, I remembered him again

I told Happy what happened to everything and my plan for operation #2
But only Happy not the others

Happy looked sad

"It's okay, let us help him bring back his memories" I said and hugged Happy

"Aye" He whispered with tears in his eyes


Ikr?! Annoying!? Well, Me and myself and I are so annoyed, It'll still be NaLu! Take that Lisanna! The next chapter! Is gonna be! So! INTERESTING! And funny, I think! Read the next chapter! Onegai! Arigato!


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