Sweet Moment

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Lucy's POV

The driver started to drive the car

"Nice Plan, Now they're gonna have a moment" I said and giggled

"Yeah, seriously those two need some time alone" Natsu said

"Yeah, We always disturb them" Levy said

And the others laughed

And then..

"Sir, the car will soon stop," the driver said nervously "We have no gas" he gulped

"WHAAAAAT?!" We all said surprised

Seriously?! What kind of driver is this?!

"Why didn't you fill it up?!" Natsu asked

"Cause, you told me to hurry up" The driver said

Natsu sighed

And then..

"NO WAY!" We all shouted, the car already stopped

"I'm so sorry sir" The driver said

"No worries. Just buy some gas somewhere" Natsu said

"Sir, it's so far" The driver said

FAR?!?!? I gulped

"Do we need to sleep here?" Wendy said scared

Then suddenly We saw Erza and Jellal's car

"We want them to have their moment but what about us?" Cana asked

And we all yelled at Erza and Jellal

"Erza! Jellal!" We got of the car, except for the three rare cats, Wendy, Levy and Gajeel

"Oh, Lucy and everybody what're you doing here?" Erza asked

"We um, ran out of gas" I said

"Then, the other ones can ride here, you gave us a pretty big car" Jellal said

"I'll be waiting for the gas here" I said

"Me too" Natsu said

"I'll go and buy the gas" The driver said and we nodded

The others who are inside the car got out

"Go on Wendy, Happy, you go there too, it's safer" I said

"Aye!" He said and the younger ones got in Erza and Jellal's car

"Bye Lucy, take care" Cana smirked

"Sir, please be safe" The driver said and they got in and left

"Guys" I turned around to only see Natsu "Eh?!"

"Were just the ones here, what do you mean guys?" He asked and laughed

"I thought Gray and Juvia was here! I didn't notice them get in the car!" I blushed

It's just me and Natsu?!

I got inside the car and sat down

"This is boring" I said

"Want to do something fun?" He asked

"What fun?" I asked

"Let's play tag, I'll chase you and when I caught you, your gonna have a punishment" Natsu said

"W-w-what?!" I asked and got out of the car "Better than nothing, plus I'm a fast runner"

"Run now!" He yelled and I ran and he chased me

I'm already panting!

"Run faster Lucy, I'm gonna get you" Natsu said while running on the way to me

I ran faster but I can't

Then I suddenly felt water

"Huh?" I stopped and he caught me and then it started to rain

"I caught you!" He said "Punishment time"

"Huh?! No way!" I yelled "It's raining!"

The rain is hard

"Hey! Were gonna get soaked in the water if we stay longer" I said "Let's go back in the car"

"But your punishment" He said

"Fine, what is the punishment?" I asked

"You have to kiss me here" he said pointing at his lips

"W-w-w-w-w-what?!" I asked

"Hurry, or else," He threatened me

I closed my eyes and opened it "Fine.."

He pulled me closer to him and I leaned in

And then I pressed my lips against his

And then..

"Look what you've done" I said while pointing at my clothes

"Whatever" He stuck out his tongue

I laughed

"I feel cold" I said

"Oh, I'm sorry" He said and hugged me

"Uh what're you doing?" I asked

"Hugging you so you won't feel cold" Natsu said

"O-okay" I suddenly blushed "And I thought Erza and Jellal were gonna have a moment, and a time alone"

"But instead, that happened to us" He chuckled

"Yeah, it happened to us" I laughed

After a few minutes, I fell into a deep sleep while on his arms

And then..


"Lucy! Will you marry me?" Natsu asked

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Aye Do!" I said copying Happy

*Dream crushed by Driver*

"Ma'am Sir!" The driver yelled at us and I saw Natsu sleeping beside me

I woke him up

"What?" He asked

"The driver is here" I said and we both realized our position and blushed

"I bought the gas and I already filled it in" The driver said and started to drive

"Thank you" Natsu said and

I'm really having fun with Natsu, I really love him now, his hair his eyes, everything

Natsu's POV

Lucy, her blonde hair, chocolate eyes, she's important to me, I love her even more now, we had fun, instead of Erza and Jellal having some time alone, were the ones who had the moment

It felt so right




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