Wedding Day

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Lucy's POV

The wedding is held here at Natsu's house I'am so excited

"Lucy! Your getting married, finally!! If only Aunt Layla and Uncle Jude was here" Lyra, my friend is also here for our wedding!!

"Yeah, they'd be so happy that I met a very wonderful man" I chuckled

She nodded and laughed "Wait for our performance" and then she left

"Ms. Lucy everything is set" I heard Capricorn told me

I nodded and I went out

I can't wait!!


I walked slowly anD I felt everybody's eyes on me, I suddenly blushed
I saw dad, and everybody! I'am so so happy!!

When I got to Natsu he held my hand and kissed it

"This is it" He whispered and I giggled

Then the priest started to talk, the ceremony is starting



And then..

"Natsu Dragneel, do you accept Lucy Heartfilia to be your wife?" The priest asked Natsu

"Aye Do!" He yelled mimicking Happy
Everybody laughed

"Lucy Heartfilia, do you accept Natsu Dragneel to be your husband?" The priest asked me
I tensed up
There was a moment of silence




"" I said and hugged Natsu and he yelled "FINALLY!!"

Everybody cheered, I saw dad and Erza tearing up

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest said

"Lucy Heartfilia, uh no, Lucy Dragneel, my wife" Natsu smiled and kissed me
I kissed him back, This is surely our moment

And then..

"Performance!" Lyra said and all the girls went in front

"This is for you Lucy!" Levy shouted

All of them were there, my friends

Lyra started to play her harp, this is so relaxing

'I can see you there

Right by my side as always

You never left

Or let me down my friend

I can feel you there

Close to my heart as always

Your soul and mine share a bond made of love

So if the skies turn gray

And the clouds gather above

Trying to fight back your tears

Feeling so lost and alone

I'am the star that burns for you

Shining through the night

Just follow me I will guide your way

And if your feeling lost at sea

Listen to my song

Calling you back to the shore'

It ended up so good, I got tears in my eyes now

"You guys.." I hugged all of them "I will never forget you guys!"

"Your not the only one with a performance" Gajeel smirked

"Uh-oh" Gray's eyes widen

"Whipped cream!!" Sting yelled
And the boys started to throw whipped creams at the other boys
Then it hit Natsu

"AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA" I laughed at him

"Oh, so your laughing at me honey?" Natsu asked and came close to me and he threw whipped cream in my face

"Gross!!" I yelled and started chasing him

He stuck his tongue out playfully

I saw the priest covering himself up, and even dad is throwing whipped creams
Everybody is having fun, this place is full of whipped cream
I saw Laki slipped and Sting caught her

"Are you alright?" Sting asked

Laki blushed "Y-y-yeah"

They started talking and they got deep in they're conversation
Talk about having no boyfriend

"Stop it Gajeel!" Levy is running from Gajeel

"Get back here Bookworm!" Gajeel smirked and threw whipped cream on Levy

"Jellal! Stop" Erza yelled at Jellal

But Jellal just threw whipped cream at Erza

"Why you--!" Erza chased Jellal and Jellal keeps on laughing

"This is unmanly!!" Elfman yelled

"Shut up!" Evergreen laughed and threw whipped cream on Elfman

"NaLu! Best wedding ever!" Lisanna yelled

"Thank you!" I yelled back

This is..the best wedding ever!!

"AYE DO!!!!!!" Happy yelled

"Way to go! Aye do!" Carla yelled and then

Everybody started to shout AYE DO AYE DO AYE DO

"AYE DO!" Me and Natsu yelled and we kissed again


Thank you so much guys for all your support!!! I love you guys and If I have time I will make book 2! Bye! Say Aye do!

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