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Lucy's POV

This is it the day that were gonna leave

My tears streamed down my face as I carry Happy out of the room

And I also carried our luggage

I was extremely sad, I don't want to leave, but I have to, Natsu said he doesn't want to see me again, If I live here I can't prevent myself from ignoring him

"Good bye, Home" I whispered

And I went to the landlady

"Landlady, I will take my leave now" I said while crying

I can see tears form in her eyes

"Be Careful in there Lucy, and visit us here again okay?" She said while crying

"I promise" I said and left crying

I decided to say good bye to Erza and the others, I know they're in Jerza's Cake Shop waiting for me

I walked while still carrying A Sleeping Happy

I entered and as expected I saw all of them there crying

"Geez, Why are you crying?" I asked and laughed

"Cause your leaving ahead of us" Cana cried

"Your leaving too y'know and we will all live there" I said

"But your ahead of us" Juvia cried

"I swear to my soul, That We will live happily there" I said

They all hugged me squishing Happy

"H-Hey, I can't breathe" Happy said

"Gomen-nasai" They apologized and we all laughed

"I should be going" I said and left while crying

I was walking
Then I saw Sting

"S-Sting?!" I was scared and shocked
Happy was still sleeping, he must be very tired

"Lucy," He started crying "I'm so, sorry"

"What? Don't play with me!" I told him

"I swear" He cried "I'm so so so sorry! Don't leave please"

"I have to leave" I said

"No, please don't leave me" He said

"I have to leave Sting, bye, but first, friends?" I asked

"Friends!" He said and smiled "B-Be Careful Lucy"

"Thanks, Bye" we wave goodbyes

Good Thing He's a nice person now, It suits him

I remembered Natsu, *sigh*

I wonder what's he doing

I rode on a taxi and then got to the airport

"Finally Happy! I'm done carrying you! wake up cat!" I said

"Aye" He whispered and left my shoulders

Natsu's POV

I ran all the way to Lucy's apartment

"Landlady!" I screamed

"Is it Lucy?" She asked and cried "She just left!"

I left immediately and ran to Jerza's Cake Shop! she might be there!

I entered and saw them crying

"Lucy!!" I yelled

"She, She just left" Erza cried

"No way!" I screamed and left immediately

"Natsu!" I heard someone calling me, it was Mirajane

"What? Please Hurry" I said

"Do you remember?" She asked

"Yes! And I have to go get her before she leave!" I yelled and ran away


Oh Natsu, I love you!! Read the next chapter for more excitement! Arigato!


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