Jerza's Wedding

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Lucy's POV

The next next next day

Finally it's the day when Jellal and Erza are gonna get married

"Natsu?! Eehhh?!" I was surprised to see Natsu beside me in the bed

"Yes? Stop waking me up Lucy" He said

"It's the wedding day" He got up

"Our wedding?!" He asked playfully

"Dummy" I laughed

"Hey, my things are still here?" He saw his things

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked sarcastiacally

He laughed

"Quiet down" Happy said

"Wake up!!" me and Natsu both shouted at him

"Aye!" Happy yelled

I took a shower and get dressed
Natsu did the same

"Looking wonderful" I told him

"You look gorgeous" He told me

And I felt my cheeks blush

Then we left

We went to the Cardia Cathedral and saw people there, they were so many

"Lu-chan!!" Levy yelled

"Hey!" I waved

"Carla!" Happy said hearts forming in his eyes

"Tch" Carla replied and then smiled

Cana was drinking booze, as usual

Juvia was staring at Gray

I saw Jellal waiting for Erza, Erza is still not here maybe getting ready?

The priest was there waiting

Everybody was sitting, all waiting for Erza

"I'm excited" I whispered to Natsu

"Whatever" He whispered and stuck his tongue playfully

I punched him playfully and laughed silently

After a few minutes we saw Erza on the entrance smiling

And then some wedding music started playing while Erza is walking slowly

"This is perfect" I whispered to Natsu

"Yeah, This is totally awesome" he whispered back

Once Erza came infront of Jellal
Jellal kissed Erza's hand and walked infront of the priest

Then the priest said something to them and more

And Then..

"Erza Scarlet, do you accept Jellal Fernandes, to be your husband? Through thick and thin?" The priest asked Erza

"I do" Erza smiled

"Jellal Fernandes, Do you accept Erza Scarlet, to be your wife for eternity? Help her through highs and lows?" The priest asked Jellal

Jellal smiled "I do"

The priest said some more

And Then..

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest finally said

Jellal cups his hand on Erza's face, Erza blushed and then Jellal kissed Erza passionately while smiling

"They look so perfect" I whispered to my self

Natsu nodded

Jellal carried Erza bridal style and said "Let's all go to Jerza's Cake Shop!"

We all left and went to Jerza's Cake Shop

The store was full

My friends and I shared on one table

"This is awesome, Levy stop reading your book" Gajeel said

"Yeah yeah" Levy said and closed her book

"Free food!" Gray said

"Gray-sama" Juvia said with hearts on her eyes

"Well, I think this is embarassing" Wendy said looking down

"Make yourself comfortable Wendy, we work here" Carla said

"Booze!" Cana yelled

"I always wanted to eat here with my boyfriend" Mirajane said and smiled

"Well, this is nice" Laxus said

"Go on" Erza said "Eat"

We all murdered the food

After a few minutes

"I'm so full, I can't walk" I said

"Want me to carry you?" Natsu asked me

I laughed "No thanks"

I stood up and lose balance

Before I fell
Natsu caught me

"Just in time" Natsu whispered as he pulled me into a hug

"T-T-Thanks" I whispered

"They're so inlooooooove" My friends teased


They're so inloove!!! Ugh can't get enough! <3 I love this, read the next chapter


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