Saving Lucy from Sting and Lisanna

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Lucy's POV

Sting kept on hurting me again, He held my chin and is about to kiss me


"N-N-Natsu h-help me" I whispered

"Your Prince Charming is not gonna sa--" Before he finished someone broke through the door

It's Natsu! and my friends!

"Lucy!!" Natsu came up to me but Sting punched him

"N-Natsu.." I whispered

All I saw before passing out again was Erza and Mirajane coming to me and Gray, Gajeel and Natsu fighting Sting

Natsu's POV


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! SHE'S HALF DEAD!!" I yelled at him

"I just thought her a lesson" Sting smirked

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO A GIRL?!" Gray punched him

"Why did you do this to Lucy, Sting Eucliffe" Erza and Mirajane said, their face down and eyes black

Sting shrugged

We all punched Sting at the same time and his already down

I swear he's so weak!! For us, he's strong for others, he killed so many people, he took away their lives, He-He-He KILLED HIS OWN MOTHER!

I started crying

"Are you gonna take another special girl to me Sting?" I cried

Everybody had a questioning look in their face

"You already killed mom, are you gonna kill my girlfriend too?" I cried and clenched my fists

I went to Lucy and carried her to my arms while crying

"You will be punished" I said while still crying

"Natsu drop that girl!" Lisanna suddenly appeared

"My little sister" Mirajane said while grinding her teeth "Yoh don't deserved to be called sister!"

"Mira" Lisanna sighed "Natsu! Let her die! She's poor and weak!"

I suddenly got angry

"Shut Up Lisanna!! She might be poor and weak! But your nit even close to her! She's nice and kind, what about you?! Your heartless and mean!!" I yelled at her

"No! Just please come with me Natsu, let that girl die, please" Lisanna begged

"I'm so ashamed of you Lisanna!!" Mirajane yelled at her and Lisanna shrugged

"Your so NAIVE! I don't love you at least a bit!!" I shouted I was so angry

"Lisanna! You should go!" Erza suggested

"No! All of you people!! Even my big sister!! Your all angry at me cause of that stupid girl?! I could kill her! Your all naive!" Lisanna yelled

Mirajane without other words kicked and punched Lisanna

"Ow! You stupid sister!" Lisanna yelled at her

Mirajane felt sad and went back to the car, Gray and Gajeel followed her incase she decided to destroy the whole forest

I started walking while I carried Lucy

"Natsu, stop, please, I beg you" She held my arm

I shrugged it off and Erza and I left while I'm carrying Lucy
We went back to the car and saw Mirajane crying and everybidy comforting her, Levy saw us first and came running to us

"Ohmygosh!! Lucy!! I swear they're gonna pay! If only I was string like Erza! Hang in there Lucy!!" She cried

"Lucy, We failed to protect you, but were always here, so hang on" Juvia began tearing up

I carried Lucy in to the car

"Let's go to the hospital" Dad suggested

"Obviously Dad so hurry up!!" I yelled at him and he nodded

When we reached the hospital I immediately carried her in the emergency room and the nurses and doctor hurried to take care of her

"I have to go check on her!!" I yelled
Since they won't let me in

"Everything will be fine Son" dad said

"I hope so" I said

"I can't believe Sting and Lisanna" Gajeel said with angry eyes

"They are so heartless" Levy said

"I never thougt that my sister is completely heartless and selfish" Mirajane said


In your face STING and LISANNA! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Natsu's gonna burn your butts big time! Stay Strong Lucy were always here for you *cries* I know she'll be safe, but some big trouble is gonna come, read the next chapter


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