Wendy and her classmate Romeo

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Lucy's POV

Finally, Carla said YES!!

"Wendy" some guy entered the shop

"H-Hey!" Wendy waved

"Who is this kid?" Natsu asked

"I-I'm Romeo Conbolt, I'm Wendy's classmate" 'Romeo' said

"Oh Hello Romeo" I waved

"Classmate or boyfriend?" Erza asked

"C-c-classmate" Romeo said

"Good" Jellal said

"Hey Hey Erza, It's like Wendy is your daughter" I teased

Erza blushed a little "S-she is like our daughter"

Jellal smirked

"Studying?" Romeo asked

"Oh yeah! Um Erza-san, can we study here?" Wendy asked

Erza gave them a thumbs up

Wendy and Romeo both sat down

We just stared at them while sitting on the next table

"Chocolate Cake" Natsu ordered

"Coming right up" Erza said

The way that Romeo looks at Wendy

"I can tell!" I said out loud

"What?" Natsu asked

"I can tell Romeo likes Wendy" I whispered to Natsu

"Oh really? Let me ask him" He said "Romeo!"

"Uh hi?" Romeo waved shyly

"Come here" Natsu said
And Romeo went to Natsu

"Hey Romeo do you like Wendy?" Natsu whispered

Romeo blushed immediately

"U-Uh, N-no! W-why did you a-ask?" Romeo said while blushing

I chuckled

"Admit it" I whispered

Romeo sighed "Fine, so what if I like her? It's not like it's dangerous"

"Your right, take care of her" I whispered

"Romeo!" Wendy called

"C-coming" Romeo blushed immediately

"Young Love" I smiled widely

"Are we that old?" Natsu asked

"I-Idiot.." I whispered to myself

After a few minutes

Erza came to us carrying the chocolate cake we ordered

"Here you go" She placed it on our table

"Carla, do you want some?" Happy said

"Sure" Carla smiled

"Say, Wendy" Romeo is blushing I wonder what that is

"Yes?" Wendy asked smiling

"Wendy, I-I.."

"Go Romeo!" Natsu yelled

I punched him "Stop" I mouthed him

"Gomen" He muttered

"Romeo?" Wendy asked

"I-I r-really l-like y-you W-Wendy" Romeo said blushing hard

Wendy blushed immediately

"I-I l-like y-you t-oo R-Romeo" She said blushing like there was no tomorrow

Romeo hugged Wendy

"Thank you" Romeo said
And Wendy hugged him back


We all squealed

"Your mutual now!" I said

Romeo and Wendy smiled with a hint of red in their cheeks

"Kawaii!!!!!!" I squealed

"Be a man Luce" Natsu told me

"You don't have the right to say that unless your Elfman!" I said

He laughed
We shared our cake with them

It was actually fun to hang out with kids


RoWen <3 Aww, young love for young people! Check ya later!


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