Thank You Gift For Dad

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Lucy's POV

After that day - 4:00 pm

"Natsu" I called

"Uh huh?"

"I'd like to give your dad a gift, what he's done, everything! I want to thank him" I said

"What's the plan?" he smirked

"Wait where's Happy?" I asked

"With Carla" he replied

"My baby's all grown up" I said

"You sound like a mom" he said making fun of me


"And your the dad!" I teased

He blushed and looked away

"Cry baby!" I yelled

He suddenly spun around and kissed me for like 5 seconds!

I blushed

"Who's the cry baby now huh?" he smirked

"H-Hey! You like kissed me twice!" I yelled shyly

"I love kissing my GIRLFRIEND" He said emphasizing the last word

I blushed even more

"Am I really your girlfriend?" I said shyly

"Of course stupid!" He laughed

"Whatever" I said stiking out my tongue an he just laughed

"So, what's the plan?" He asked

"O-oh right! We'll go to your house and I will cook dinner!" I said proudly

"Yeah, he's just on his office working so he won't notice immediately" Natsu explained

"It been a while since I went there" I said

"Let's go" He grabbed me and we walked to his house

After a few minutes were still walking

"I'AM SO TIRED" I sighed

"Seriously Luce, well I'll just have to carry you" Natsu said

I jumped on his back, piggy back

"Hurry up horsey" I said and laughed

"Talk about childish" He said

"Whatever" I laughed

After a few more minutes we arrived

I hopped off Natsu's back

And went inside their house

I walked into the kitchen and Natsu walked in too

"Can I help? I need to thank my father too, he helped me buy Happy anyway and helped me find you when Sting beautynapped you" Natsu scratched his head

"Beautynapped?! Your hilarious!" I laughed "Fine, I'll teach you how to cook"

He danced like an idiot

I laughed at him

We started cooking

"Smash those potatoes!" I told him

"Yes ma'am" He said saluting

I planned on making mashed potatoes

"I'm gonna do the Gravy, make sure to mash those potatoes!" I said and he nodded

After a few minutes

"Done" he said

"Impressive" I said and poured the gravy to the mashed potatoes

"Next were making salad! Fruit salad!" I said

"Let me guess, I'm gonna chop those fruits" He groaned

I nodded "But I'll help"

We chopped the fruits

And then..

I mixed all the ingredients and the fruits and placed it on the refrigerator

"For the drink!" I said

"Um, I know! Cold Chocolate drink!" he suggested with sparkly eyes

"Sure" I giggled and made it, it was so not hard at all

"Your done?! Amazing! Your the perfect wife!" Natsu said

"Well, Thank you" I bowed and we placed the food on the table

"I'm gonna call dad" He said

I nodded

Natsu's POV

I went to dad's office

"Dad! Dinner's ready!" I called to him

"Son? Been a while, I didn't notice you were here" he said

"We made dinner" I said

"We?" He asked

"Yes, Lucy and me!" I said excitedly and my dad's face lighten up and I grabbed him and we walked and went to the dining room

When we got there I saw a cake and in the cake there was something written 'Thank You Dad'

"Cake?" I asked shocked "You didn't tell me" I pouted

"Cause your gonna pay again" She crossed her arms

"Thank You Dad!" We both said and hugged him

He hugged us back and cried

"My Dad is crying!" I laughed

"Cause, Lucy lightens up the house, you should marry her son" Dad said

"Oh don't worry, I'am" I said and I saw Lucy blushed

We all ate and to be honest it tastes awesome!


I'm feeling hungry now T-T check ya later!


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