Gift for Erza and Jellal

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Lucy's POV

The next day - 3:00 pm

"Natsu, we don't have a gift for Erza and Jellal" I said

"Yeah, I'm thinking about it" Natsu said

"How about Disneyland?" I suggested

"We have Disneyland in Japan, were in Japan, Erza and Jellal is in Japan! It's set! Disneyland it is!" Natsu said

I squealed

"Happy" I called

"I'm not gonna go with you for a while" Happy said

We frowned and waved goodbyes

We rode on a taxi and I swear it's not a good ride, Natsu keeps on getting dizzy

Finally we reached Disneyland and bought tickets

We bought two
We don't plan on getting on their way

"Disneyland is amazing" I muttered

"Your more amazing" Natsu looked at me and I blushed

He pinched my cheeks "Kawaii"

"Seriously Natsu?" I laughed

We took a walk and treat ourselves

We found an ice cream cart

"Look! Ice Cream!" He almost squealed

"Your so girly!" I laughed at him

"I'm not gonna treat you!" He stuck his tongue out playfully

"Fine" I pouted

We walked up to ice cream cart

And grabbed my wallet to pay

"Chocolate please" I said

"No, I'll pay" He said

"But you said---" He covered my mouth

"Two Chocolate please" he said and paid and finally lets go of me

"What was that for?!" I asked

"I said I'll pay" He said

"What a lovely couple" someone said

We looked to see it was Erza and Jellal

"What're you doing here?!" I asked surprised

"Just came out to see the other cake shop over there" She pointed out to the cake shop

Just in time!!

"Hey! Erza! Since We don't have a gift for you and Jellal, take this" I handed her the tickets

"No, It's for you and Natsu" Jellal said

"Actually, we bought it just for you, Our gift" I said and handed Erza the ticket, finally she took it

"Arigato Lucy" Erza said

"Oh, no need I didn't pay that" I said

"Yeah, I paid" Natsu pouted

"C'mon I'm poor" I said and we laughed

He handed me my ice cream and We ate it

"Want some Ice Cream Erza And Jellal?" I asked

"Thanks again for these" Erza said while holding the ticket

"No Problemo!" I said

"I should be the one saying that" Natsu said

"Tch" I replied

"We'll leave you two lovers alone" Jellal smirked

I swear this guy always teases us

"Yeah Yeah, Bye" I said and waved goodbye

We exchanged bye's

"Finally, a gift for Erza and Jellal" I sighed in Relief

"Oh yeah? Whatever" He stuck his tongue out playfully

"This Ice Cream is gooooood!" I said after finishing my ice cream

"You act like a monster, you eat like a monster!" He said after finishing his ice cream

"I'm not the only one!" I said "By the way, What's up with Happy?"

"Oh yeah, I don't know, Let's go find out" Natsu said and we both went home


What's up with Happy? I hope it's something good, Check ya later!


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