Chapter 1

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I jump out of bed to see my best friend Ymara with a not so very pleased look on her face, "Oh shittt! Sorry i forgot to set my alarm. Don't worry it'll be fine." I say hurrying to the bathroom to get ready. " Just hurry, okay?" I look at her trough the reflection kf the bathroom mirror as i say " yes, ofcourse. By the way weren't we gonna coördinate outfits?" Ymara is searching her bag as she looks up "Right, im going to change. Sorry."

*time skip*

"Hey, what do you think about this?" Ymara comes in the room holding up a denim mini skirt and a blue football jersey with orange numbers. "Omg yes, i have the same one in black with pink numbers!" I respond. Ymara squeels. I put my clothes on and look in the mirror, "We litteraly look so fucking hot right now." I say.
"I know right!" Ymara responds. "Have you asked your mom if we can borrow her car yet?" Ymara asks me. "Oh shit, wait here." I say as i run to my mother. "Hey mom, can we borrow your car, for that concert thing?" My mom looks up from the book she is reading. "Sure honey, but drive safe okay i can not deal with a broken car and daughter right now."I smile at her. I open the door to my room, put on some perfume and jewelery. As we walk to the car i realised I forgot my purse, "Shit forgot my purse, be right back." I tell Ymara as i run to my room.

*time skip*

As we arrive at the concert and i park my mothers car, we notice how bug the building is. "Jesus, this is huge." I say to Ymara. "I know right, what if we get lost." She jokes. I smile to her and say "Do you see those arrows everywhere, i think it's impossible to get lost here." We get out of the car and walk towards the arrows.

*time skip*

"Ugh its so crowded!" Ymara says with an aggravated look on her face. "I know!" I say as we are trying to make our way trough all the people to find a spot to stay at. As i follow Ymara i feel someone squeezing my ass. I turn around and see a perverted group of guys around their 20s. I yell at him "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME." He has a disgusting grin on his face, and says "woah darling, calm down." I look at his face utterly ashamed. I run toward Ymara and tell her i'm of to the retroom.

*time skip*

I have tears in my eyes, i felt so disrespected. How could someone just do that?! I walk out of the doors and go outise as i sit down on a picnic table. With my face leaning on my knees. As i hear someone with a low male voice say "i can see your panties." I look up "Excuse me!?" I see a 6,2 feet boy with dreads, an oversized t-shirt, a lip piercing, and a cap. "What? I was just trying to help." I sigh "Yea thanks, asshole." He sits down next to me. "Wow, sorry." I look into his brown eyes. "No no sorry, i am just having a moment." He looks back at me while lightning a cigarette. "It's fine. You've got something on your face." He says. I panic as i look at the time. "Shit, this stupid concert is about to start."i say, He raises an eyebrow "Why did you come than if you think it's stupid." I look at him in disbelieve "Why do you care?" I ask.
"I don't know." He says in pure relaxation inhaling the smoke of his cigarette. "Well my friend dragged me here, i don't even know these guys." He has a grin on his face as he speaks again. "I figured that out a while ago." I raise my eyebrow. "What do you mean." He throws away his cigarette. "Well since you came to my concert and talked to me like a random stranger." His accent is strong as i respond "Uhm wait what." He hold out his hand for me to shake it. "Yea im Tom Kaulitz, twin brother of the singer." I gasp. "You do realise i've kept you away from your own concert." He laughed. "You aren't gonna introduce yourself?" He says. "Oh yea, sorry. I'm Nola Reinhart." I smile at him. But then i realise i litteraly left Ymara alone for 32 minutes. "I'm so sorry but we've got to go, you have a stage to attend and i have a friend to apolagize to." As i stand up to walk off he grabs my hand. "Wait, i want you to be at the front row." He walks to a secuirity gard and asks him to esscort me and Ymara to the front row. Ymara was so stunned, the only thing she said was "How!" I laughed. "I'll explain later." But yet i can't stop thinking about why he would want that, we just met. I am so confused. But i guess Ymara would have the best time ever, so i just roll with it.

*time skip*

A loud voice comes from the speaker introducing the band and welcoming them on stage. A pretty emo boy walks to the microphone. "Hi guys, are you excited?" The crows is going crazy. But than i see someone walk up the stage. It's that dreads boy, earlier I didn't seem to notice how beautiful he is. But at this very moment, it came to my mind. He is just gorgeous. He looks around the front row, when he sees me. He smiles at me, my grin has grown from ear to ear. Ymara was screaming as she was looking at Georg, holding up a banner saying "I LOVE YOU GEORG." I was so focussed on Ymara, laughing with her. When i looked back at the stage, or in fact at Tom. He kept looking at me, i quickly looked away blushing. He smirked. The intire concert long, we held eye contact.

*time skip*

As bill thanked everyone for coming, a security guard approaches us. Leading us to the back of the stage. As we enter a room, i see the whole band. "Hi!" I say nervously. Tom turns around. "Heyy, Nola. This is the girl i told you about." He says something in german to his band members. Ymara is so nervous she looks at me and wishpers "what the fuck! I- how-." I giggled at her. Tom looked at me as i giggled, smiling at me. "This is Nola's friend..." Tom says, waiting for Ymara to introduce herself. "Hii, i am uh- i'm Ymara." She giggles. I smile at her. Tom walks over to me and wishpers in my ear. "Do you wanna go somewhere with me?" I look at him, "Sure i mean if Ymara is fine with it." Ymara nodds her head "yea, i'll be perfect here." I look at Tom "well okay, let's go than."

Hi guys, this is the end of chapter 1. Please tell me any suggestions. Thank you guys for reading.

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