Chapter 6

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"We have something going on?!!did I just hear that right." Tom says with an amused look on his face. He smiles at me. "I knew you thought we had something going on!" He comes in for a hug. "what?" I say confused. "I just wasn't sure if we were on the same page but now I know we are." I fake a smile. "Oh okay." I say. "So there's no escaping now. We have something going." He says with a smirk on his face. But I am still upset, I didn't like the way he handled this. "You were yealous that I asked Ymara." I fake laugh again. 'Why did he have to do this, he ruined the night.' I think to myself. "Tom I'm gonna go change." I say as he nods. I walk upstairs as I realise I forgot my stuff at home.

I run downstairs, and see Tom standing on a chair to reach the ceiling so he could hang some decorations on it. "Tom can you drive me to my house I gotta pick up some stuff." I ask him still in a mood because of what previously happened. "Sure gorgeous." 'How is he in such a good mood after what just happened.' I think to myself. We get in the car and as soon as Tom turns the engine on I tell him how I feel. "Tom?" I say. "Yes." He responds. "I really don't like what just happened, the way you tried to trick me." He looks at me. "I was only joking, I'm sorry." He says with sorrow. "It's fine Tom just don't do it again you startled me with that." Is say. He grabs my hand and holds it, he kisses my hand. "I didn't think you'd care that much." 'I didn't think I'd care that much either.' I think to myself. " it's okay let's just enjoy today it's only 16:36." 

I smile at him as we pull up to my house. " stay inside the car okay?" But as soon as I open the car door he walks over to me. "I'll just come with." He says with a smile on his face. "Fine just don't say anything about whatever is going on you know." He nods. I open the front door. "Hey Damon!" I hug my brother and kiss him on the cheek. "Hey whatsupp." He responds. " I wanna introduce you to my friend Tom." Damon looks up to a 6,2 guy standing in our living room. "What's up I'm Tom." He speaks to my brother with an accent as thick as cement. My brother gives Tom a fist bump.

I walk to the stairs and Tom follows me like a dog. "This is my room. Don't mind the mess." I tell Tom. "You have such a cool room for a girl." He says looking around. "Thanks." I say trying not to mind the "for a girl" part, while smiling. I walk over to my small walk in closet full of bullshit. Tom is going trough my drawer as I try to stop him from doing so. "NO NOT THAT ONE!" I yell at him while he looks in the drawer. He pulls out a matching bra and thong  all black and see trough. "I'd like to see you wear this." He says something in German. "Tom don't speak Germans without telling me what it means!" "AND PUT THAT BACK THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING." I say upset. I truethly do feel embarrassed, I feel kind of uncomfortable knowing he knows I wear that and that I like that idea. He chuckles. "Woman go grab your stuff." He says. "Woman?!" I say raising an eyebrow. "The attitude!" I yell while smiling to myself and running around collecting all sorts of needs. "I have everything." I say to Tom. "No you don't your lingerie is still in that drawer, we need it for tonight Nola." He says with a perverted grin on his smooth baby face in a sarcastic way, but u think he wasn't 100% joking. "You, Tom are a discusting idiot." I say with a red face but in a jokingly way. I hate this, why does he get me so horny. I just really don't want this to happen. I only know the guy for 2 days. Jesus he is a stranger, a cute one. But still a stranger.

End of chapter guys. Hope you enjoyed it loves💋❤️

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