chapter 18, where the titles begin.

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I throw on my outfit and quickly do my makeup

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I throw on my outfit and quickly do my makeup. even tho I'm in a hurry, the make up looks fetch. I grab my red Jordan's and brush my hair. Tom is wearing a baggy denim jeans with a white and red oversized shirt. A red cap and white shoes. I adjusted my outfit so it would match with his and it really looks great. "Wait- we match." Tom chuckles. "Mhm I know" I smile at him while grabbing my phone. "So are you excited to hear my music?" I ask him while I throw my arm around his shoulder like I'm some kind of bro of his. He chuckles and looks down at me since the man is 6,2. "Very excited" he speaks enthusiastically. I giggle and he pulls my waist infront of him, he hugs me and lifts me up swaying me around and spinning around. "Ugh I love you woman" he speaks German and groans. "Fuck you Tom just speak American." I laugh and push him friendly. "Sorry my bad" he chuckles making eye contact with me. I stare nervously into his deep brown eyes. "Uhm so..." I clear my throat breaking the silence. I quickly focus my eyes on random objects in the room before quickly glancing back at him. "Do I make you nervous." He whispers while rubbing his nose against my cheek. I giggle awkwardly. "Nope why" I quickly spat out looking away from him. "No reason" he speaks calmly and he kisses my forehead. He drops me and I look away from him, I breath out heavily from the previously uprising tention between us. He opens the front door and lets me go first. I walk over to his car and sit on the hood while waiting for Tom to lock up the place. Tom walks over to the car smirking. "I should take a picture of you like this you look beautiful in this lighting." He says smiling while walking over to me. Or so I thought, he passes me and walks over to the other side of the hood placing his hand on it. "Do you see that? She looks gorgeous." He jokes around, I can tell because of the way he is grinning patiently waiting for my reaction. "Seriously?" I say with an offended tone,raising an eyebrow. "I know you know I was talking about you." He chuckles and smiles at me. "Whatever" I say like I'm some sort of spontaneous hippy who's about to spontaneously travel the world on her own. We get in the car and Tom puts in the key. He looks out of the rearview mirror and drives off of the property.

*time skip*

As soon as we arrive at the studio I start to get nervous for toms opinion. What if he thinks we're lame? What if he thinks it's cringe?! "DAMN MAMA, HAVENT SEEN YOU IN A WHILE YOU LITTLE PORNSTAR." I hear a female voice and I turn around, it's the one and only Simone, Simone van der welt. My #2 best friend. I run towards her and jump in her arms. "SIMONE I MISSED YOU YOU CRAZY BITCH" I scream, I grab a hold of her head and hold it still as I give her 3 kisses on her head. She laughs. "So miladyy... who's the giant?" She asks me raising an eyebrow. Simone has always had this way of talking, it's intriguing. "Uhm my situationship" I whisper in her ear. She laughs. "We'll where's that crazy slut?" I ask, Simone immediately knows who im talking about. Tom gets out of the car after he just had a phone call. I pause and wait for him to catch up with me. "Hey what was that about." I ask him while he grabs my hand and holds it. "It was bill, he was wondering if he could come with to your soccer game, bill is crazy about  soccer... and crazy about you." He asks me with a confused look in his face. "Uhm, sure... yea sure!" I respond and I wrap my arm around his waist. We enter the studio and I immediately spot Ymara, Amber, Regina , tracy and jane. I pull Tom back from the others right before we enter our recording room. "So uhm you can be nice to her but not to nice cause she's a slut so just don't talk to her to much." I say whispering. "Who?" He asks innocently and sweet. "Oh Regina!" I quickly tell him before we enter the room. "Oh okay" he nods and towers over me behind my back, giving me a hug from behind and resting his head on de curve of my neck. With his arms wrapped around my waist. He gives me a little kiss and whispers something in my ear. "Don't worry about me flirting with her I only like you" everyone is talking to each other and no one is paying attention to us. I blush. "Besides bill would kill me if I'd hurt you" I laugh, and suddenly everyone's quiet and looking at us. "So who's the hottie?" Regina asks. "My boyfriend!" I quickly snap. I feel toms hand slide to my ass and squeeze it again. "We'll that's settled im your boyfriend" he whispers in my ear. The awkward silence is killing me. "SOO everyone this is Tom... my-   Boyfriend." I nervously speak. I introduce him to them and we all start talking. "Well let's make some noise you sweet virgins." Jane yells and jumps up to grab her keyboard. I stand up and show Tom where to sit. We all head to the recording room and close the door. Tom puts on his headphones to hear us. Our producer is adjusting and pushing some buttons. After 5 seconds Tracy starts to drum the first few tunes from kiss it better- Rihanna. My electrical guitar joins in and so does Jane's keyboard, then Ymara and her acoustic guitar joins in and ambers saxophone does so also. Regina's flute joins in and this whole business we just performed is timed in about a split second. I start singing and for the first time it goes right in the first try. Regina screws up after 2 minutes and we start over. And yet again Regina screws up. "After all these years of being experienced with flutes in multiple ways you would say you know how to play the instrument." Janes says bursting out in laughing and I can't help but join her. Regina is just honestly such a slut. "You know maybe your Tom should help me, I heard him say he has played flute before." Regina says biting her lip looking at Tom. Since I'm not the extrovert type to immediately start throwing hands I just let it slide. Tom peeps his head in the room and looks at me"Uhm no thanks Regina." He speaks, his eyes turn from me to Regina and with that his face changes from smiling to disgusted. I let out a laugh. I smile at tom and he smiles back, with that glistening sparkle in his big brown puppy eyes. I zone out for a minute until janes loud voice calls me back to earth. "HELLO LETS GO AGAIN PEOPLE." The whole process starts again and I start singing. I feel toms eyes burning holes in my body, I quickly take a glance of him. But as soon as I look at him my eyes meet his, he was already looking at me. His chin is leaning on his hand and he looks at me with the biggest smile. I try to stop myself from giggling or smiling and try to focus on the lyrics. But Tom keeps looking at me, as if I haven't left his sight in the entire time we were here.

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