Chapter 13

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I wake up on toms chest, I slowly get up and see Tom looking at me with his cute dreads all over the place. "Good morning woman." He says with a rusty sleepy voice in German. "This time I understood what you said." I say with a rusty sleepy voice also. I kiss him on his cheek before realizing I'm late for school. "Shitt! Im late for school." I yell. "Tom get up you idiot." I say panicking. "Shit I'll drive you." He jumps up and gets in his clothes. I take my makeup bag and school bag and we run to the car. "Wanna get some mc Donald's breakfast, well go trough the drivethru." He asks. "Sure, hurry up!" I do my makeup in the car. We arrive at the McDonald's. "What do you want?" Tom asks me. "Mc egg and uhm an iced coffee." I respond. "That's all?!" He says back. I nodd. He orders for himself and we drive to the next window. He pays and we get into a parking lot. "Whatever I'll just skip today, I've only got one class left." I say. He laughs. "All this stress for nothing, Jesus woman you are crazy." He speaks some shit in German again and I roll my eyes. "So we'll hang out at yours?" I ask him politely. "Yea sure, but this evening me and bill have to go to a meeting and we'll be back by 11 something." He responds smiling at me. "Okay, well what should we do today." I ask him while he drives to the next window. "Plenty...seeing your body, make love to you, give you hickeys, ah and what's more... I guess we could watch a movie or something boring like that." He responds laughing at himself. "Your pathetic. What did you say." I ask him while hitting his chest softly. "Oh just, you know... drawing chilling baking and uh watch a movie." He says almost choking on his words. "Sure." I say suspiciously. "HEY! I've got an idea. Let's go swimming in your pool." I say excitedly while a co-worker hands us our food trough the last window. "Great idea, sure." He responds looking for his hamburger in the bag.

*time skip*

"Okay im ready." I yell coming out of toms bedroom where I just changed into my new bikini. Tom and I just went shopping very quickly for a bikini, he liked the one I'm wearing. So I bought it. It's an Addidas sports bikini with multiple shades of pink. I see Tom standing infront of the stairs waiting for me. He turns his head and looks at me. "O-okay let's go." He quickly stutters. He walks down scratching the back of his neck. I follow him fixing my bikini top because my boob almost falls out. We walk to the pool. "Should I make a margarita?" Tom asks looking at me smiling. "You know how to make a margarita?" I ask him laughing. "Sure I do." He responds chuckling. "Okay sure!" I say back smiling at him. I carefully walk into the water and I gasp. "Shit it's cold!" I yell. I hear Tom laughing at the garden bar. I get out of the water and go for a dive. "Wow that was impressive." He says. "I sure know how to swim, I used to swim every Friday and Sunday." I responds to him. "I can see that." He responds laughing. "They're done." Tom yells. I climb out of the water but my bikini is barely covering my boobs. "Woah, I think you need a bigger size." Tom says raising an eyebrow focusing on my bikini top. "Uhm yea." I laugh nervously. I walk over to the bar as I sit down, Tom sits down next to me. He puts a towel over me. I sip the margarita. "You weren't kidding, you really do know how to make these." I say surprised. "I am many things but I'm not a liar to girls." His accent is thick. "Mhm yeah I don't know about that." I laugh sarcastically. He chuckles. "Tom you should shave your beard." I say feeling the stubbles on his lower cheeks. "Beard?! I don't have a beard." He responds surprised. "Yea you do." I respond laughing. "You should shave yourself, you know. For tonight." He says flirty. "What's tonight huh?" I say smiling. "Oh you know we could have sex." He responds. "Tom, that German word sounds almost exactly like the American translation." I respond hitting his shoulder again playfully. He laughs. "I'm joking, although?!" He responds. I walk back to the pool as I feel toms warm arms slithering around my waist. He lifts me up bridal style. "You know I could just drop you in the pool if I wanted to." He says laughing. "You would never, I'd effect your chances of ever sleeping with me young man." I say looking into his eyes. "Oh shit." He immediately drops me on the floor carefully. He laughs. "I wouldn't want to do that." He says laughing. "That's what I thought." I respond looking at him with a seductive look In my eyes.

*time skip*

Tom finally gets in the water with me after I yelled his name 5 times. He jumped in and swam towards me. "You know we also have a jacuzzi." He said with a smirk on his face. "Yea I know Tom." I say laughing. He grabs my thighs underwater and lifts me up like a koala. My arms are around his neck and I look into his eyes deeply. "Tom, can you drive me home in an hour." I ask him. "You want to leave?" He asks me back. "No I just promised some friends I would hang out with them." I respond. "Sure." He says back staring at me. I kiss him softly on his lips, he kisses me back and adjusts his hand placement. His hand, now on my ass, are warm and soft. I feel really happy.

*time skip*

Tom parks his car infront of my house. "I had fun today." I say to him smiling while getting out of his car. "Me to, I'll see you tomorrow or maybe tonight." His accent sounds thick, which is weirdly turning me on. "Sure." I wave him goodbye as I enter my house. "Hey mom!" I say running up the stairs to get ready. "Hey sweetie" she responds. I walk over to my closet and throw out some fresh clothes. A dark baggy low waisted jeans with a thong peeking over my waist. A lingerie-ish pink see trough belly corset with covered up boobs, and my pink Jordan's. I put on some perfume and put on fake lashes. I run out of my room, grab a sandwich and hurry out the front door. "HEY GIRL!" I yell at Ymara parked infront of my house. "HELLO HOT MOMMA." She yells back. I hop into her cabrio. "So what are the details about tonight." I ask her putting on my seatbelt. "Uhm okay so, jordan, Britney, Lois, Robin, Diego, Amber, Katy, Collin, Mike, Nora, Janice, Lory, Noah, James, Lola, Samuel, Peter and David are coming tonight. We're going to the Hudson park, and there will be lots of booze." She finishes her sentence with a high pitch, she looks at my and laughs. "You look amazing babe." She smiles. "Stawp I learned it all from you." I respond to her.


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