Chapter 10

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"Ughh!" I groan opening my eyes, I have such a headache. 'Wait, where the hell am I.' I ask myself. And all of the sudden I feel my hand on a sixpack, I slowly look up mortified. "Oh fuck!" I wishper. Tom is still sleeping as my intire body is on top of his. How do I get out without waking this giant? I move slightly and hear a sleepy voice say something. "Bill stop making fucking noice!" Something German flows out of his mouth. "You are dreaming Tom." I say quietly, and I manage to get out of the car without waking him. But then... boom, I accidentally slam the car door closed and tommy dearest wakes up. So I decide to hide in the garage. "Jesus what the fuck happened." Tom says stepping out of the car with a sleepy dreamy voice. He looks around in the garage to see any clues to find out what happened. But I don't remember anything either. Tom waddles to the garage door and walks out. "YESS!!!" I say while smiling. 'Shit did he hear that.' I freeze and wait for a whole minute to see if he comes back. Nope, but I have got to be more careful.

I walk over to the garage door and open it slowly and step out. "Good morning." Tom says while I am standing infront of him frozen. "Wha- what... why did you turn around?!" I say panicking. He chuckles. "I thought I forgot my pillow." He says smiling at me scratching his neck. "Well i uhm- I better get going." I say as I sprint to the front door. He laughs as he looks at me one last time before I enter the front door. I close the door and slam my head against it... 3 times, before I sink to the ground. "DAMNIT!" I yell. 'It is not possible, we didn't. WE DIDN'T. We really really didn't, not in my right mind. I would never do that.' I say to myself. I am against the door sitting on the floor in pure dispair, as the front door is opening. I am being slid forward by the door. "HOLD YOUR HORSES NOW, DO YOU WANT TO MURDER ME." I yell as i realise who I am yelling at. In regret I decide to flee and I run to toms bedroom, wich is frankly quite stupid, since it's most likely Tom will come to his room. In the hurry I was I had no time to see the mess from last night while running to Toms room. I quickly undress so put on something less revealing. Of course as I undress I forgot where my bag is. I hear Tom walking to his room yelling my name. I am to embarrassed to say anything so I quickly run to his walk in closet and grab a huge and oversized t-shirt to make sure it covers all. He opens the door and as soon as he sees me he widens his eyes raising his eyebrows. "You look good in my clothes." He says looking at me with doe eyes just begging me to fuck him. We hold eye contact for 5 whole minutes. "I uh- I'm gonna shower." I say stuttering while he he speaks at the same time, "I'm just gonna take a shower."

"Oh I'll wait." I quickly say. "You can go first." Yet again we interrupt each other. Tom comes closer to me, and closer, and closer. He is standing milimeters  away. We hold eyecontact again. I move backwards against the wall. And Tom moves with me. "We could also shower together you know." He says with a smirk on his face. "I-uh." I stutter while his hand is reaching for my face. "Tom, please i-." I stutter again, he makes me so nervous. His lips are almost touching mine. His other hand is on my lower thigh approaching my upper thigh. I bend my knee and he holds my leg while he is standing in front of me as I stand against a wall. He is standing now between my legs. "You could just say yes." He whispers in my ear. I let out a very quiet and small moan. "Tom stop, i- I can't." I say breathing heavily. "You can if you want." Ugh I wish he'd just shut up and put his tongue in my mouth. 'What am I doing.' I ask myself. As I push Tom off of me immediately regretting that. I want his intire body, so bad. "Tom, it's been 3 days, I really need to get to know you better I'm sorry." I say. "No, I know. It's just, our tention." He responds looking at me with guilt. I lift my hand up to his face and rub my thumb on his face as I smile at him. "Well, I have got to go because break is over tomorrow and I'll have school again." I say quickly changing my position and walking towards my bag.

"What school do you go to anyways." He says with a strong accent. "I go to Loyola highschool of Los Angeles." He smirks and chuckles slightly. "What?" I say with a small smile on my face. "What??" I repeat. "Nothing." He responds with a grin. "Ugh you are on to something aren't you." I say playfully hitting him on his chest. "No no, I would never." He says laughing. "Sure." I say sarcastically.

*time skip*

I lay in bed at home, falling asleep. But all I can think about is Tom. At that very moment I get an sms on my flip phone.

End of chapter yall🫶😭🤞🏻 hope you liked it.

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