Chapter 9

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(I know the song was released in 2015 just pretend)
Also I recommend listening to the song king- years&years while reading this because in this chapter the song is playing over and over again, so you can imagine it better while listening to it.

I am standing in de middle on the living room, surrounded by so many people I don't know, there is just one person I know. His body is touching mine. We are dancing like idiots and we look like shit, yet we are so living for it. King- years & years playing in the background, the most fitting song to this night. Never have I felt so wasted yet so fucking good. Every girl is looking at Tom and me. It feels so good to know I'm not the only one looking like an idiot, we are here together. As two idiots. I am rubbing my body up to his. Finally letting my dance moves out, I've always been to nervous and socially awkward. Also I have always been to ashamed of my long legs. But the only thing that matters right now is this night, the music, tom and me, the rhythm, the alchohol and the intire vibe of this night. Tom and I took 5 more shots and the best feeling is that I know that this great moment will last forever in my mind. Until the day of tomorrow comes, yet tomorow isn't until years. I can't describe the feeling I get. Letting my hips flow and move. I am a great dancer, but an even greater dancer when I am dancing with Tom. I throw my arms in the air. Flicking my hair around. Only being present for one minute, blacking out the other minute and that on a loop. As my arms are in the air tom grazes for my boobs, but I can not get myself to care. I mean, I care. But not in a negative way. We are both so drunk. We smell like expensive pure vodka, the taste of the many different drinks I've had tonight are burning my in the back of my throat. I light a cigarette and take a puff, I look at the cigarette slowly burning, the smoke evaporating in the air, seeing the inhaled smoke appear out of toms mouth. I have never felt so close to a person. Butterflies are just terrorizing my stomach. His beautiful brown eyes are mesmerizing. He wraps his arms around my waist and we move together on the rhythm.

"Tom." I yell to make myself audible. "Yea." He yells back. I turn my body facing him. "I have thought about it." I yell again. "About what!" He yells. And as if it was a silence trough the storm, I look at him for what feels like ages, before I kiss him. Our lips touch carefully and fast afterwards I wrap my legs around his waist as he hold my butt. Kissing passionately on a dance floor is a feeling indescribable. Feeling his cold lip piercing. His tounge movement is like a lovespell.
As soon as we are done kissing he hold me in the same position and spins around and around until we both fall. Laying on the ground in a miniskirt was an embarrassment even being completely wasted can't soften. He looks at me, with those brown and completely drunk eyes. We burst out laughing, and then we do the same thing all over again. 5 more shots, dancing like idiots, kissing passionately, feeling peoples eyes on us, listening to the music, feeling the rhythm, fall on the ground and all over again. Only after to many times we both black out. After an hour or two we are both back to life.

And we decide to go swimming inside the garden pool, I go to Toms room, grab a shirt, undress, put on the shirt, go downstairs, meet Tom by the pool and party further still wasted in the pool. While swimming together it felt like it was finally possible to just let go of everything and just dance and swim in the pool. And to there, in the moment.
I won't remember much of this in the morning. But that is also what kind of makes it so special.
I feel so free with Tom.

Meanwhile i see Gustav having the time of his life with five girls. "Tom, look at Gustav." I yell. "I am happy for him, he needs to get laid more often." He yells back. "Ugh your such a player." I yell to him. He grabs my arms and kisses me. But after several minutes of his tounge and mine dancing the salsa I push him off.
"Tom, what time is it?"
"It's 4:22 baby!!" He says, but the word baby wasn't directly meant towards me, it's was just like a "Yesss it's finally weekend baby!" Kind of thing. I wouldn't have minded if he called me baby. But I am not present enough to think about that. "I am so tired Tom." I yell at him with a sore voice. "Me to, we can ask bill to shut it down." He responds. "No they are all having so much fun, we can't do that." Our drunk minds aren't capable of thinking clearly. "TOM, we can sleep in your car." I yell. "Great idea, let's get changed." We go upstairs to change into our pyjama's and walk to the soundproof garage. With 2 pillows and one blanket. As we are getting comfortable I take of my clothes as it is to hot, but because of the lack of space I keep pushing my hand onto the window. "Tom, there is no room." I say to him. "There is just...lay on top of me." As crazy as this night already was, no reason not to do it crossed my mind. So ofcourse I did and went to sleep.

End of chapter guys!!!! I am working on another one.

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