Chapter 7

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"Tom lets go, I have everything." I say to him while he is still looking at the drawer he just opened. He doesn't budge, "Tom?" I snap my fingers but still no reaction. He is staring at the drawer. "TOM?" Still no answer. I walk over to him and pull his arm and lead him to the my bedroom door, and only as we walk out of my room he speaks again. "Sorry I was uhm, I was distracted." He says itching the back of his head. "Yeah I got that already." I say chuckling at him. We walk out the front door giggling and playfully pushing each other softly. He runs over to the passenger seat's door and opens it for me. "Well you are a gentlemen now aren't you." I say laughing. "I'll be anything and anyone for you love." His accent is thick while he says this. He is turning me on with every small thing he does and it is aggravating me.
*time skip*
"We're back!" Tom yells opening the front door. The intire house is done being decorated. Everywhere I look I see are metallica posters and cut out boards of Angelina Jolie, which apparently is his favorite actress. Also there are a lot of balloons and sex dolls and just party decorations. There is a giant table full of alchohol and food. "Tom I'm gonna get ready can I use your shower." 'Shit he is definitely gonna make that stupid basic joke every guy makes. "Can I shower with you?!!" Ugh just you wait for it Nola.' I think to myself. "Ofcourse you can go ahead." He says. I didn't expect him to not make a comment like that. It's a good sign.
I take off Al of my clothes as I hear someone knock on the door. "Uhm who is it?" I ask loudly because of the shower making noice. "It's Ymara." I open the door hiding my naked body behind the door. "Heyy what's up?" I hug het. It is not weird for us because we have showered together and with that we have seen each other naked multiple times, it's just a girls thing. "Omg did you wax girl?" She ask while hugging me. "No, when should I have done that I have been running around like crazy for the past days." I say laughing at her. "Well atleats it's all clean for you and him." I almost choke. "ME AND HIM? THERE IS NO ME AND HIM!" I say surprised and shocked. "I am joking Nola calm down." She says laughing. I walk to the shower and get in as she follows me to talk to me. "But I wanted to ask you what was up with Tom earlier, he asked me to decorate with him?!" I explain everything to her. I am done showering and grab my bag. "OEH GIRL, you should wear that fancy lingerie we bought last month." I look up to her. "Girl are you crazy." I say to her with a grin on my face. "Nope. I am actually a genius." She says while grabbing some clothes from my bag and putting them all together as an outfit, a very revealing and sexy outfit. I am in on this plan.

 I am in on this plan

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(I didn't know how to discribe the outfit so here are 2 pictures

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(I didn't know how to discribe the outfit so here are 2 pictures.)

The lingerie is on point and goes so well with my outfit. I am also wearing high needle boot heels. The lingerie tights are showing a bit above my high heel boots, as shown on the picture. After I finished my makeup Ymara and I head downstairs, where we find bill making sure everything is perfect. Ymara is wearing something equally sexy and showing. Bill looks up at us and gasps. "Oh my God, you guys are so hot." He says. I know he is straight (he wasn't out yet in 2006) but he means it in a best friend type of way, I feel like I've known bill for all my life. It's strange how I feel so close to these people only knowing them for 2 days.

Tom walks in and sees me. "Are you seeing this bill?" Tom asks bill. Yet again another german sentence. "Tom, please. You know I don't like you talking german, me and Ymara don't understand what you are saying." I say. "Yea that's for the best." He chuckles while adjusting his crotch area. Tom walks over to bill and wishpers something in his ear. "She makes me nervous bill, what do I do. I don't want other people to see her so revealing. But I wanna be able to watch her All night in these clothes." I roll my eyes and walk away. " I get that but Tom, a woman like this is not to be changed by a boy like you. I am pretty sure she likes you so no worries about her getting with someone else tonight." Bill responds to Tom. I can see them talking to each other. "Are you talking about us?" I yell at them. "No we aren't Nola... we were just discussing Uh, the food." Bill nervously says while Tom is leaning on the kitchen counter gawking at me. Damn he is so hot. We hold eye contact for about 4 while minutes but then he rushes over to me, grabs my arm and takes me to the bathroom. "Nola, I really want to ask you something." He looks deeply into my eyes. "Well what is it?" I respond as I explore every inch of his face with my eyes. "Please promise me you won't flirt with a guy tonight." He asks me, I am flustered by this question. I never imagined Tom to ask me such a thing. "Seriously, ugh this is such a bummer. I was looking forward to flirting with a guy tonight." I say sarcastically and laugh. His gaze softens. "I mean it." He says with a serious face but a slight smile. "And I don't, I was joking. Of course I am not gonna flirt with a guy tonight." I say grabbing his waist. "Well you can flirt with a guy tonight, just not anyone except me." He says. While these words come out of his mouth I expect him to laugh at any time, but he doesn't. He is looking right trough my soul with a dead serious face.

End of chapter🫶🫶🫶do you guys want longer chapters? Please let me know. Also sorry for the corny photos I just wanted y'all to have an idea of what the outfit looked like.

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