Chapter 14

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We're someone in the middle of the city, drunk and tired. But we keep partying. Me and the intire group are walking around laughing and falling. When we see another park. "Let's go there." Lola says laughing. The entire group agrees. We walk over to the park and put on some loud music. "Ayesha erotica! Make you cum." Amber yells "please turn it on." She yells again. When the song is turned on I see someone in the corner of my eye, it's Robin. He comes closer to me and puts his arm around my. "Get away from me!" I yell. And push him off of me. "Woah calm down sweetie" he responds. I stand up aggressively and walk over to the girls. "Hey can we go over there" I yell trying to overcome the loud music playing. They nod and we walk over there. I fall and laugh, if this doesn't show how drunk I am I don't know what will. Laying on the ground I hear the other girls laughing with me. I stand up and we walk over to the benches. But as I walk over to the benches, I hear someone yell my name. "NOLA!" I turn around to see him. "Tom?!" I say surprised. I run towards him and jump onto him. We fall on the ground, i groan as my head hurts so fucking much. I place my hand on my head. "Ugh!" I mumble. "What's up ma crazy lady." He says laying in the ground. I get up feeling embarrassed and cringy. I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly "uhm okay" I say. I introduce everyone and I see Robin looking angry in the back. "We'll Nola, i think it's time to go." Tom says goodbye to everyone and grabs my hand leading me to the car. He pins my body on his car and goes in for a quick make out session. I kiss him back and smile trough the kissing. He laughs. "Okay let's go I need to tell you something." He says as he breaks us apart. I hop in the car interested for what he is about to say next. "So Nola, I really don't want to. But bill and I are going to Germany for 4 days." He says. "Seriously, ugh I'm to drunk for this." I respond, and I was right about being to drunk. "It's fine tom. It's only 4 days, I'll see you afterwards." I say. "But what's the occasion?" I ask. "So you know we have a house here, and I acctually want to stay here for a while, like a long while."- "and for that I need to get some stuff from my house in Germany, and also bill wants to visit some family." He says looking at me. "We'll don't you?" I respond. "Sure, but I'd rather stay here with you." He says back smiling at me grabbing my upper thigh. "Come on now drive!" I yell smiling. He laughs and starts the car. "My house?" He asks. "Sure" I respond giggling. "What we're you doing out there anyways?" I ask tom. "Well I had a meeting remember and after, I wanted to get some food so I went to the city. I heard loud music and I was bored, and I just went to see. Then I saw you fall." I turn red out of embarrassment. "Oh okay" Tom starts the car and starts driving. "Tom, can I sleep at your house tonight?" I ask him politely and shy. My mouth is dry and I feel a lump coming up in my throat, I start sweating to the point where I am unable to control my thoughts. "Of course you can you know you don't need to ask me that." He responds while he rests his hand on my thigh. Which is not helping my nerves, the reason I am so nervous is because I'm getting horny... again. Mainly blaming the alcohol for erasing my boundaries temporarily but also blaming Tom, for... being Tom. "Yeah we'll, it's weird to just decide I'll sleep over at your house. That's like inviting myself into your home, and yeah you know... that's weird." Hearing my own words I laugh at myself, I know i shouldn't have gone for that second bottle of cashaça. "You smell like alchohol. How much did you drink tonight?" Tom asks me quickly glancing over at me, and then returning his eyes on the road. "Not much, just a couple sips." I responds smiling downwards staring deeply into the dark sky and awkwardly act as if I was getting caught by my parents smoking a cigarette. "Yeah I don't think so" yet again a sentence where his accent just pops out. I blink awkwardly and decide to ignore him and stare out the window. I have always been an awkward person but being drunk with a sober Tom next to me isn't really helping. I mentally slap myself for giving such dry and senseless responses. I might be hard on my self but I don't really hoe to correct myself in a different way. "Should I tell you about my first time getting drunk?" I ask Tom giggling to just remembering it all. "Sure" he responds laughing. "Okay so, you know my brother is a couple years older right. So mr and my brother used to go trough a lot at home, I even got placed out of my home by child services. And when I came back I was around 13 years old, my brother at the time had a girlfriend whom I was friends with, she was one year younger than my brother and she was just so sweet towards me. My brother was never really a talker, he never opened up about his feelings and he started to find different ways to deal with his feelings. So he started doing drugs with a bunch of friends, he drank Al sorts of shit and did hard drugs. And I was very worried about him. But one time I came home from school and I saw my brother and his girlfriend standing in the kitchen. Hiding a bottle of liquor, so I greeted them and I spotted my now ex boyfriend whom was then still my brothers best friend. They were all very drunk. And at the time I was familiar with weed but I had never been drunk, I noticed how extremely drunk my brother was and I took a shot at hanging out with them. So we did the craziest things. We smoked a bunch of joints and drunk a whole bottle of vodka with 45% alchohol. And when both the weed and the alchohol kicked in I was feeling so amazing. We decided to leave the house but the second we came outside we spotted my father, we pretended everything was normal and we just drank all day long and as I told you, we did some crazy things." I told Tom enthusiastically, but he wasn't as excited as me. "You do realize that that isn't healthy for a child to go through." Even tho I was thankful for the way he cared, I didn't. I didn't care because I know how much I loved the feeling of bonding with my brother and getting drunk. I know my childhood wasn't easy but there was nothing to worry about, yet Tom didn't agree. "Tom" I laughed "it's fine, all of that is in the past." I say Awkwardly chuckling again. "Okay I'm glad" he responded smiling glancing over at me again. A little time passed until Tom said something again. "Hey we've known each other for exactly 1 week now." He changed from the caring person to the flirt person again. "I'd say that we've waited long enough now to sleep with each other." How could he feel no shame in saying that. He stared at me quickly with a feisty attitude. It's the kind of look he gives me, it's the kind of air he exhales, it's the kind of position he is in. All of those things, those little details make me want him to touch me, to lay on top of me, to feel me, to be inside of me, to be the closest to him I've ever been and honestly to feel his warm dick inside of me. Pounding and hardening. Jesus what the hell is wrong with me, how could I think such things.

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