Chapter 17

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Its break time. Me, Ymara, amber, Lola and Nora head outside to get a spot by the benches. *ding* "AH MY PHONE" I yell in excitement. "OMG IS IT HIM!" Ymara yells. I hurry and search my bag to find my pink flip phone. "FOUND IT" I aggressively flip it open and see a message.

Tom: how many classes have you got left?

Me: 1. after break I've got one class and then I'm done, why?

Tom: no reason, see you later?

Me: of course!

"HE TEXTED!" I squeal in Ymaras ear causing her to cup her ears with her hands. "Well hello is your brain working what did he say?!" she responds and I laugh. I hand her my phone so she can read what he said. "That's kinda corny. Why is he so...dry... and random?" She says raising her eyebrow. "I don't know why would you ask me that?!" I respond stressed. "Calm down its fine" amber interrupts our conversation. I make eye contact with Ymara and we both roll our eyes out of annoyance from Ambers comment.

*time skip*

The bell rings, I walk over to Ymara who is currently trying to make her way out of the classroom to wait by the door for me. "Hey so Georg has to drive twice since I've got detention. Can you ask him to bring some food with him when he drops you of to get me?" Ymara asks me while she searches her bag for some gum. "Oh right I forgot, I will. So I'll see you when your done." I respond blowing her a kiss before heading towards my locker. Suddenly I hear my phone buzz. I hurry to check if it's Tom, I flip it open and see the message.

Hey beautiful, come out the two big doors and you'll see me.

I squeel. No way. I slam my locker closes and run to the doors, I stop right in front of them cause I obviously don't want Tom knowing I ran. I push open the doors and look around. I see a tall man, dreads, baggy dark blue jeans, red tee, Airforces and a red cap. As soon as he spots me he opens his arms and I fly toward him. I forgot about the whole 'not wanting Tom to know I ran' and as soon as it hits my I hesitate to quit running but I don't and just make my way over to him as fast as possible. I jump in his arms like it's been 5 years, like he's been missing for months, like he came back from the military. I still haven't budged and I am still holding on to him like a koala. He lets his hand slide over to my ass and squeezes it softly. "Well your enthusiastic" he laughs. "Yea I- I kinda missed you" I respond smiling. "Kinda?!" He says back chuckling. "Yea maybe a little more" I giggle. "Damn a little more huh, you really don't want to admit you missed me a great deal" he responds laughing. " I didn't that's ridiculous!" I say with a sarcastic matter. "Mhm of course you didn't" he replies with a big grin on his face. He puts me down and takes a look at my outfit. "You look ridiculous-" I interrupt his sentence and roll my eyes. "We'll thanks" I say with an annoyed tone. "Jesus I was gonna say you look good... ridiculously good." He chuckles. "Oh" I respond. "Yea oh" he says proud of the kindness he had just performed. We make eye contact for 15 seconds in complete silence. I slowly get closer to him. Our bodies are now touching. I chuckle softly before he kisses me. He does it smoothly and passionately. We make out for some time before I get the craziest idea. I break our kiss and push his chest off of mine. "Come follow me." I say smiling and laughing. I grab his hand and lead the way through the school doors. I walk into the school with Tom behind me. I'm holding on to his arm like he's a leashed dog. I couldn't say I did not enjoy that feeling. I did. We reach the bathroom and I quickly take a glance behind me to see if any teachers or janitors are around to interfere. I open the bathroom door and quickly get inside to see if there is anyone inside. Nope. I pull Tom in. He has the biggest smirk on his face I've ever seen. "What are you smirking for young man?!" I ask with a grin appearing on my face. "No reason... why do you ask" he responds smiling. I smile and open a bathroom stall. Tom walks in and I enter after him. "So what did you have in mind?!" He asks me knowing exactly the answer to his stupid question. He sits down on the toilet and I enter his lap. I kiss him softly, hovering around his face again; cause I know that it drives him a little mad.

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