Chapter 4

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I wake up in my bed, and I immediately remember how great yesterday was. I really like tom, he's such a nice, 'friend?!' I don't know what to think about us. "Nola, mom says you gotta get out of bed." My brother, Damon yells to my room. "Ok." I yell back at him.

As i get out of bed and see how messed up i look i instantly take a shower.

*time skip*

"MOM, CAN YOU TAKE OUT MY TOASTS!" i yell. But suddenly i hear knocking on the door. "Sweetie, Your... friends?! Are here." She says with a confused face. But she wasn't the only one confused, I didn't expect anyone. I open my bedroom door and go downstairs, "Hey Nola, did you forget we were gonna hang out today." I hear a girls voice say. Its Ymara, and she's not alone. She brought Georg, Bill and Tom with her. "What are you guys doing here." Ymara jumps up and grabs my arm and walks me to the kitchen.
"Trust me Nola, just play along." Wtf is going on, we walk back into the living room as i tell my mom i forgat i was gonna hang out with them today. "Bye mom." I say as the front door closes.

"Now what the hell is going on?" I say confused and concerned. "Uhm, so today is Gustavs birthday. And we are throwing him a birthday." I scrunch my eyebrows. "Why didn't you just tell me that in the kitchen i was concerned."
Tom heard me and laughs. "Well i mean, Sure Lets throw him a party but this whole situation was for real so unnecessary." I laugh, And make eye contact with Tom. As we all walk to toms car, tom and i walk next to each other. We tease each other by slightly pushing each other and giggling. We got to Toms car and bill tries to sit in the front seat. "No you can't sit here Nola is sitting here." Yet again a german sentence I didn't understand shit about. I open the car door and sit down in the front seat, I roll my eyes while Tom is looking at me. He raises an eyebrow. "Well well, little miss attitude is rolling her eyes now is she." His accent is so strong, its turning me on. I poke my ellbow in his torso, With a smirk on my face. "Shut up." He smiles and blushes. I look in the car mirror thing as i see my hair. I gasp. "Omg Ymara, why didn't you tell me." I say. "Tell you what?" She turns her head towards me. "Owh that, I didn't notice. Im so sorry, let me help you fix it" She says, while sitting next to Georg in the seat behind me. "Ouch, dude look out your pulling my hair out." I say. "Yea, sorry this position isn't exactly ideal for me either." Ymara says aggravated. We chaotically move around in the car trying to fix my hair while Georg, Bill and tom are looking at us so confused. "Are they speaking their own language?" Tom says. "I don't know but this is crazy." Georg says, while all Bill can do is laugh at us. "Are they hormonal?" Bill says bursting out in laughter. Ymara and i look at each other and roll our eyes. "Stop speaking german." Ymara says. "Yea, you guys are being rude." I say. The whole group starts talking at the same time while Tom is just trying to focus on the road. Tom pulls over in the middle of nowhere. "Can everyone just calm down!" They way he said that was just so mature and sexy. I stop myself from thinking about him like that again because I notice how I'm falling for a player, and that never ends well.  Suddenly everyone is quiet. Tom chuckles. "Jesus Christ you guys behave like toddlers sometimes." He looks in the rearview mirror towards Bill, Georg and Ymara. I wait for him to look at me as a sign he is talking about me too. But he doesn't look at me until 5 minutes later. He smiles at me while slowly placing his hand on my lower thigh, he looks at me to see if I approve. 'Damnit Nola don't let this happen.' I say to myself, but I just can't help it. I look at him with an inviting look on my face, as a sign I approve his hand on my thigh. He gawks at me and warms my heart with his beautiful smile.

Hey guys. Thanks again for reading my story❤️
Any suggestions are welcome 😙

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