Chapter 21, graduation

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"No you can't. By the way, I'm not interested in the pizza guy... don't worry." I say smirking. "I know trust me." He says back in a snobby way. I roll my eyes. "Fuck that outfit is all I've ever dreamed off." His german accent has never sounded so thick before. "I know trust me." I repeat toms words sarcastically. He chuckles. He jumps on his bed and lays down. To be honest, I kind of think I'm lame for dressing up like this, for a guy that is already pleased with a cheap Walmart bra and some offbrand pair off panties. But whatever, I mean he clearly likes it. And maybe I should just get over myself and enjoy his pleasure. I walk over to toms bed. I want to show Tom I'm NOT insecure. So I'll perform that in everything I do from now on. Starting with getting in his bed. I reach toms side of the bed, and I purposely crawl over him. My boobs are some what in his face. 'Totally not on purpose' I think to myself. "Wait no stay like shit I like the view" Tom says as I try to make my way over him to the other side of the bed, while he grabs my waist and holds me in the position I am currently in... you know, with my boobs in his face. I chuckle and lay down next to him. "Wanna watch a porn movie?" Tom stupidity apparently takes control of himself and really asks this, does he really expect me to say yes to that... watching him watch other people have sex. "No way!" I say laughing at his question. "No way!" I repeat but now I'm a serious tone. "Fine..." he sighs. "I really wanna watch pride and Prejudice..." I say. "Whattt!" He says loudly. I smile at him softly. He moves his head closer to mine. He kisses me smoothly, of course I kiss him back. And even with tongue, us girls gotta do something to convince our men... I place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him in closer. "ugh fine" he groans after our lips part. He wraps his arm around me as he starts the movie. His hand is touching my ass, and he squeezes it softly. Squeezing my ass is signature Tom... he always does that. "Hey do you know that costume part on Saturday... so I had a change in the costumes. I really want to be pirates, you know... so instead of Louis I'm gonna be a pirate, and you'll be my pirate girlfriend. And your dress will be short, so I can stare at you ass the entire time." Tom nervously stutters, I get the feeling like he's trying to take his mind off of something, or like he's distracting me. "Yeah sure whatever!" I respond and look at him. I smile and give him a little kiss. I sit up straight to grab some food out of toms basket. As I lay back down I notice what he was distracting me from... I see a small bump in the blanket. Right on toms crotch area. Jesus Christ. This boy, I swear to god. I sigh and chuckle... and as I do so Tom quickly grabs a pillow and covers his growing and hardening dick. I pull the pillow away and toss it across the room. "No need" I say. I make eye contact with him.


I slide my hand into his boxers. I pull my hand back out, spit in my hand and slip it back in. I start stroking his dick. Tom let's out a sigh of pleasure. I grip my hand around his hard dick tightly and start doing the things I know he loves. I rub the tip of his cock slightly. Tom pulls down his boxers. I'm between moments of concentrating on his dick, I sometimes focus myself on the movie... so does Tom. He whines. He bites his lip. I move my head closer to his and am now inches away from his. I lick his lip and bite it. You know... practicing confidence in everything is not hard, but not easy. It's mixed... but if anything it's really fucking fun. I get on top of him... I'm not planning on having sex with him again today. Maybe after 12 lmao.

His dark brown eyes are giving me a piercing and seductive stare. He slowly closes his eyes and slowly opens them as he starts breathing heavier. "I can't believe you're on my dick right now" he mumbles in German. His dick is throbbing in my hands, my warm soft hands. I can see his clearly very sensitive for any kind of sexual touching. "Ah... yeah..." he moans. I feel his body tense up in anticipation. I'm gonna make him cum so hard and he knows it. He's so exited for the pleasure he's about to feel. It makes me smile.

I pull his skin down on repeat. I know what he loves, he loves it when I focus on the edge of his tip. So I do. God just looking at him turns me on. He is so fine. I am on my knees for this man, but no way in hell I'll let him know that. I'll do anything to hide how much I adore him, how much I worship him. I'll just show him a tiny bit of my feelings for him, but my feelings for him are so intense... what he'll be shown is what average people's feelings for each other in relationships look like. I don't know how to put it to words. You know? I start to speed up my paste, building up the tention and the sensation he feels. "Spit on it..." he whines. Of course I do. I slowly let my spit drip all over his perfect dick. His dick is now gooey, shiny and wet. Which makes it so much more attractive and hot, for whatever reason.

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