Chapter 5

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"We're here!" Tom speaks as he takes of his seatbelt. everyone undoes there seatbelts and we get out of the car. Infront of us is a gigantic party store. "What the hell, why is this building so huge." Georg says with a strong german accent. I chuckle as I hear him say that. "Well this should be fun." Bill speaks breaking the silence.
We all enter the store as i walk to an aisle. Tom quickly runs up to me. "Hey let's pick out some stuff for Gustav." I smile at him agreeing. "Omg do you see that, Ymara is holding Georg's arm." I tell him. He raises his eyebrow quickly looking at the aisle across the one we are walking at. "Wow, you know Georg isn't really a romance type of guy, but he seems like that has changed." He looks back at me with a smile on his face. I laugh at the idea of Georg as a romantic guy. "We have to take this!" I say loudly holding an inflatable sex doll. I burst out in laughing waiting for toms response. Tom turns his head. "You. Are. A genius." He says laughing while clapping his hands. He grabs two other dolls and throws them in a cart. "Hey, you know those cost 20$ each right?" I say. "It's fine, I'm rich remember."he says while smirking at me. "Oh god, you are such a snob." I say laughing at him. He walks over to me while raising his eyebrows. "Am I now?" I look at him intimidated, as his face is serious. I know he is joking but still, a sexy handsome rich man with a body of a god, or rather the devil. He notices my face turning red as he comes closer towards me. "Hey what's wrong?" He ask, his face turning concerned. "I find you intimidating." I say nervously.
The look on his face is changing again, this time it has turned into an innocent face, looking into those big brown puppy eyes. I could tell that a part of him liked the feeling that sentence I spoke gave him, but another part of him didn't like it. "There's no need, you've tamed me." I give him a playful nudge to his shoulder and I smirk in an innocent way. "Come we have got to fill this cart." I tell him while I look at him seriously. "Yes ma'am!" Tom yells while saluting. I laugh and lean over on the cart slowly stumbling trough an aisle. 
While I am pushing the heavy cart I feel two arms wrapping  between my arms around my waist. I gasp and turn as red as a tomato when I smell Toms expensive perfume. "Cozy isn't it." He says chuckling. 'Why is this all so easy for him.' I think to myself.
I clear my raspy voice. "Sure." I say with a shaky voice. He laughs.
* time skip*
As we head to the checkouts we all meet each other again as we were all divided. We all gather to see if any of us accidentally grabbed the same thing. And we check out. Heading back to the car Tom opens the door for me. " here you go milady." I I roll my eyes playfully. smiling at him. He chuckles. 'We have only known each other for two days, girl slow down.' I tell myself this, because I know what heartbreak and disappointment feels like and I don't wanna put myself through that again. Everyone has gotten in the car and we drive to the Kaulitz mansion. "OMG Ymara hold up let me put on some music." I smirk at Ymara as we both know what song we are going to blast. I change my mind and take out my pink glittery flip phone and text Ymara. "Girl we can't sing in this car, with the boys we like next to us. It's gonna be so cringy." She takes out her flip phone as she gets a notification. "Yea okay fair enough." She texts me back.
"You guys are so weird, weren't you just about to put on some music." Bill says laughing. "Yeah never mind." Ymara says awkwardly. Tom raises one eyebrow and smiles at me. I smile confirming what Ymara just said.
*time skip*
Tom opens the front door of the mansion and we all Carry a bag full of decorations and part stuff. "Well now we just need to decorate the intire house." Tom says wiping off some sweat from his forehead, and putting down the last bag on the table. "I'll put on some music!" Bill yells while taking of his shoes. "Wanna decorate together?" Tom asks Ymara with a flirty look on his face. I look at him confused and aggravated. Ymara looks at me confused. "Uhm wait someone's calling me." Ymara lies to get out of the situation. "Uhm I don't feel well, robin is picking me up." I say to Tom with a disappointed look on my face. "Who the fuck is Robin, and what are you saying you can't go now." Tom says confused. "Robin is acctually my ex boyfriend and we are friends now."  I say while grabbing my purse. " uhm no, no you won't get in a car with him." Tom tells me. " he doesn't have a car he has a bike." I say holding back tears. "A BIKE?!! No you won't." Tom says, I scrunch my eyebrows. " you are so weird." I tell Tom. "Why are you being like this." Tom asks me. " UHM you were just asking my bestfriend if she wanted to decorate with you, even though we have something going on."

End of chapter guys😘

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