Chapter 3

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"Am i really that interesting?" I ask him laughing. We make eyecontact as he has a serious look on his face. "Yes nola, your really interesting." The tention is building up. He pulls up into a driveway. "We're here." He turns his body towards me in the carseat, he takes off his seatbelt. "Tom." I say with a shaky voice. "Nola." He says smirking with flirty eyes. I stare yet again in his eyes. Who is this boy and what is he doing to me. He is just so magical.

"Nola." He repeats, only now his face looks serious. We move as close as we can with the middlepart between the two front seats of the car between us. I blush as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I break the eyecontact and I open the car door to get out and escape the intense tention. As soon as i put my feet in the ground i gasp for air. Fuck what am i doing.

Tom gets out of the car also, smiling at me. He walks over to me and grabs my hand, and walks me towards the front door. He opens the door as a gentlemen and politely says, "lady's first." I walk trough the door of his massive house. "how about i give you a tour sexy."He says something in german while finishing his sentence. "What was that?" I say looking over my shoulder as He smirks. "What... nothing" he says slowly moving his eyes towards me. He puts his arm around my waist leading me to the living room, god he is such a flirt.  "Do you want a drink Nola?" I giggle. "I like when men address  me by my name." He blushes and smiles to me. "Do you have some coke?" He nods as he grabs a cup, pouring the coke into the cup i tell him," it' so ridiculous, we just met and now im in your house." I laugh. He spills because of laughing. "We're not strangers Nola." He says with that same flirty attitude.
*time skip*
Tom opens the door to his bedroom and let's me go in first. I walk over to his bed when i see something on his bedside table. A pack of tissues and a lotion pumping bottle. I runs over to his bedside table awkwardly standing infront of it. "LOOK A BIRD" he points to a random direction in his room. I look at the direction he pointed at, as the pieces slowly fall together. I burst out in laughing. Tom couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing too.
Suddenly his face slowely turns serious again, looking at me. Almost as if he was appreciating my face. He has a soft smile on his face. I stop laughing slowly. There it is again, that eyecontact. "You're so beautiful." He mumbles something in german. "Tom just talk english i dont speak german that well." He giggles, and I completely melt.

"Tom can i borrow some clothes this mini skirt isn't exactly ideal." He has a grin in his face. "Sure i guess i have some clothes some girls left behind." He says while sitting down next to me. I look at him aggravated. "Wtf Tom, that's discusting." He has a regretting look on his face. "Sorry, i was joking." I hit him on his chest as i slowly gain a smile on my face. "For someone with a lot of experience with girls, you don't seem to know how to behave around one." I stand up. "You're not like any of the girls i've ever been with. You make me forget everything i've ever learned, you are doing something to me." I look at him annoyed. "Tom seriously?! ENGLISH!" He laughs as i hut his chest softly again. "Bur for real, do you gave some clothes?" He giggles.
"Sure wait." He walks over to his massive walk in closet. I follow him and see him looking trough his shirts, smelling them to see if they stink.
*small time skip*
He hands me a trackpants and an oversized t-shirt. I look at Tom signaling for him to leave so i can change. "Tom?" He snaps out of his daydream. "Oh yeah sorry." He walks over to the bathroom with blurred window stickers making them not see trough. I take of my skirt and grab the trackpants pulling it over my butt and pulling the strings for the pants to tighten around my waist. I take off my top and put on his way too oversized t-shirt. I am drowning in toms clothes, the t-shirt looks like a dress.
"You can come in!" I say as tom walks out of the bathroom. As soon as he sees me he starts blushing. "I could get used to seeing you in my clothes."
I giggle, but then i stop myself. 'He is a man whore don't let yourself get feeling for him Nola.' I'm just trying yo hide that thought and try to enjoy the moment.

Thank you for reading my story. If you have any advise, please feel free to give me some.❤️

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