Chapter 11

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I wake up by loud music, coming from my brothers room. "What the hell!" I say walking over to his room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IT'S FIVE IN THE MORNING YOU IMBECILE!" I yell walking in on him and a girl kissing. "Oh, sorry." I say quickly closing the door and walking back to my room. Well, since I'm up anyways I better get ready for school.
*time skip*
I hear the bell ring as I run to my locker. "Sh- why isn't it opening!" I say punching my locker. "Hey pretty laydayy!" I hear robin say. "Robin? Shut up!" He laughs assuming I'm joking. "Wanna hang out later today, I'll give you a ride home." He asks. 'Well I could use a ride home.' I think to myself. "Sure" I say with an aggressive look on my face. I'm totally not looking forward to this. But whatever. I push him aside and run to class since I can't be late on the first day back after break. "Miss Reinhart. A little late aren't we." My teacher, miss Jeleva  says. She is a Bulgarian woman with a strong accent and an even stronger personality. She doesn't let things slide easily. "Go to your seat." She says. I nod aggreeing with her.

*time skip*

After miss Jeleva told me she would let this slide I went to all of my other classes, and was now finally done. I am heading towards my locker as I remember... Robin. He is leaning on my locker with a stupid grin on his face. I punch his shoulder. "Get away from my locker you stupid idiot, I'm not hanging out with you for fun. But because I need a ride, don't look at me like that and get that stupid grin off of your face." I say pointing at him as a threat. "Wow there little lady, calm down now come on." He says laughing. I roll my eyes. I open my locker and take out my books and coat. I push the door of my locker closing it, and making a loud noise. "Well milady, after you." Robin says with a smirk opening the schools front entrance. I give him a death stare as a sign to get that smirk off of his ugly face. We walk out of the school and he puts his arm around my shoulder. I immediately push him away from me. "Get off of me you weird fuck." I yell. "Don't touch me again." I yell again. He lifts his hands above his head as a sign he is innocent. I roll my eyes again. Why is he so annoying. We get in his car and he opens the roof of it. "Wow I got myself I nice car and a perfect girl, damn I'm so cool!" He says. He's so fucking full of himself. "Shut up you snob, don't act like I'm 'your girl' you idiotic bastard." I say to him with a disgusted look on my face. "Why are you such a bitch." He says laughing at me. "Okay I'm done, stop the car." I yell at him. "No, I'll do what I want." He says with a smirk. "Open the car now or I'll call someone you don't want to argue with." I say very seriously. "Go ahead, you do you. I'm not scared." He says still smirking. "Okay!" I grab my phone and flip it open aggressively. I dial toms number. "Hey Tom, so I'm in the car with my ex and he won't fucking stop driving, I want to get out because he called me a bitch."       "What!! Where are you I'm coming."         "Uhm he is on the road by the pool, he is infront of the hotel next to the pool. You know nearby Mabel's diner."             "I'm on my way."

"To late for you now." I say grinning. He stops the car in the parking lot of the hotel. "Okay, let's wait for him." Robin says convinced he'll get away with 'kidnapping' me.

*time skip*

I see Tom pulling up in his big ass car. And also see Robins snob attitude disappear. "Come on, let's go Nola." Tom says opening Robins car door. He grabs my hand and leads me to his car. And puts my in the passenger seat. He walks back to Robins car. "So...don't try anything. I know what your car looks like." Tom says to Robin as Robin nods. What a pussy. Tom gets in his car and sighs as he gets on the road. "What is it?" I ask him. "Why would you get in a car with him." Tom asks me disappointed. "I needed a ride." I respond. "So, just call me I'll pick you up." He says keeping his eyes on the road. "Uhm okay sure, only if you really want to." I respond. "Ofcourse I want to, I love seeing you." He says smiling. I smile at him and we make eye contact as I grab his hand and hold it. He smiles back at me. "Well do you want to come to my place." He says with a strong accent. "Sure!" I respond while he giggles.  
*time skip*
We arrive at his place and we get out of the car. "So what do you want to do today." He asks me while we approach the front door. "Well I have to practice my french so can you help me study?" I ask him. "Bien sûr mademoiselle." He responds. I laugh as we enter his house. I see bill laying on the couch with a bag of chips watching tv. "Hey billy!" I say as I run towards him. "Omg hey!" He says as I hug him. "Tom and I are gonna study, so I guess I'll see you at dinner." I say smiling. "Well Well, miss Nola has just invited herself for dinner." Tom says smirking. "I know you were gonna ask me." I say smiling at him. "Okay I didn't know I was that predictable. But let's go upstairs." He says pointing toward the stairs as a sign for me to go first. I am wearing a mini skirt so I hope I don't expose myself. As I walk up the stairs and Tom follows me he suddenly squeezes my ass. "TOM!" I yell turning my head facing him. "Sorry, it looked so lonely so I accompanied you ass with my hand." He says with a serious look on his face. I punch his chest softly. "No touching boy!" I yell. "You go first." I say pausing. "Okay sure." He responds. As he walks up the stairs I squeeze his ass also. "NOLA WHAT ARE YOU DOING." He yells with a thick accent. "NOW WE ARE EVEN!" I yell back laughing as we reach the first floor. He lifts me up and runs to his room with me over his shoulder. "Tom I am really fucking serious put me down." I yell hitting his back softly. "Nope!" He chuckles.

End of chapter yall🫶🤞🏻🤞🏻🥹🥹 hope you enjoyed it babes.

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