Chapter 20, rage, sex, drugs

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I make haste towards the goal, Naomi passes me the ball. I shoot, the crowd gets their hopes up and all clap and cheer. As I said I shoot my shot, but then I miss. The ball finds it way to me again and I shoot again, fuck yeah. I succeed and score. This ways the last point. The ramblers win.
"Miss Reinhart shoot again... and she, she... SHE SCORES!" She speakers sound. The crowd goes crazy. I see Tom and bill cheering. All of the sudden the boys soccer team runs up the field towards me. They pick me up and place me on Daniels shoulders. I throw my hands in the air out of excitement. Another win. There is no way this isn't going to reach the newspaper. 14th time in a row the LA ramblers win again. As almost the entire girls team and the entire boys team is jumping on the field I hear someone yelling. Daniels body turns around causing me to turn with him since I'm on his shoulder. I glance over at Tom and bill who are now running towards me. Yasmine; a girl from our team, is having a very heated argument with the girls soccer team of Hollywood high. I know Yasmine has some anger issues and I always look after her. "Put me down..." I yell at Daniel who didn't get the message just yet. "PUT ME DOWN!" I yell harder. He hurries and puts me down. I run towards Yasmine who is now throwing hands. I reach her and try pulling them away. But the only thing I succeed in is getting an elbow in my face. "Ah fuck!" I groan as my nose is bleeding. I spot some students from Hollywood high getting into a fight with students from our school. "What the fuck" I mumble as everyone is suddenly fighting...literally. I mean I know Hollywood high isn't exactly mannered, but this is way out of line. Everyone is suddenly in rage. My face; cupped by my hands. Suddenly turns to Tom who runs up to me. "Hey let's get out of here this is crazy!" He yells trying to overcome the madness of everyone yelling. Ymara follows me, tom and bill trying to get to the bleachers safely. "NOLA!" I hear Damon yell. I turn around.

"Wat gebeurt er?!" He yells at me in Dutch.
Translation: "what is happening?!"

"Ik weet het niet iedereen heeft ineens ruzie!" I respond in Dutch too.
Translation: "I don't know everyone is suddenly fighting!"

"Sinds wanneer ben jij hier trouwens?!" I ask him in Dutch again.
Translation: "since when have you arrived?!"

He lifts his shoulder and dramatically drops them. Tom grabs my shoulder and leads me towards the school entrance. The school entrance is locked, due to the riot that's currently happening outside. I hear coach trying to calm things down. "Guys what are we going to do?" Bill asks with a drastic accent. "I don't know." I responds looking around rushed. Suddenly a bunch of people come storming towards me, tom, bill and Ymara. Or at least bill and tom. "Tokio hotel!" "Tom your so hot!" "Omg is that bill kaulitz!" A couple of girls scream while jumping on us. Tom pushes them off. "Jump on my back!" Tom yells while chuckling out of irritation. I jump on his back and laugh. "This is what your life is like?!" I yell. Such noise comes from all of the girls that are losing their minds over Tom and bill. To them this is normal, to me this is insane. He runs towards the girls locker room door, i jump off of his back and run inside. I burst out in laughter, what the hell is happening.

*time skip*

Apparently, Hollywood high couldn't lose again... so when they did, they lost it. At least the students. They suck, and this season didn't really work out for them. That's why they were so crazy. Anyways me and Tom are in the car right now. He told me how proud he was of me, and how good I looked while playing. "Tom?" I say questioning. "Mhm" he hums. "You remember that costume party we were gonna go to..." I say while smiling and looking out of the window. "Yeah of course why?" He responds while taking a sharp turn. My body basically swings to the left caused by the force of his sudden turn. "Uhm- well when is it?" I ask whilst struggling to sit up straight again. "Uhm next week on Saturday" he responds, looking out of the rearview mirror. "Okay" I reply. Tom speeds up a little. He quickly glances over at me. He takes another turn and quickly arrives at my house, where Damon is waiting for me. He parks the car, and I hop out. "I'll just wait here" Tom casually speaks as I look at him one last time before nodding and entering the house. "Damon!!" I yell while slamming the front door shut. He runs down the stairs with a sweaty face. "Okay, so we gotta talk... about two things." He says nervously. "Yea of course what's up" I say in a worried matter. "... okay, so. Im uh- I'm in deep shit. Nola. Ik in deep shit!" He starts stressing out as these words leave his mouth. "Damon what's going on calm down!" I responds while getting closer to him. "I - uhm I, I kind of..." as I hear him say this, I already know what he's about to say. Damon has been struggling with drug addiction lately. I've seen some coke lines on his bedside table. "Damon you didn't... Damon you fucking didn't! You know better than loaning money!" I yell at him while walking in circles in the room. "Damnit you fucking idiot!" I yell again. "His hands come to his face as he starts crying. "I'm sorry, it's Alejandro! He's given me 1 day to get 530,- dollars. I just.... I can't get it done!" He yells back. "Fuck! 530,-!!!!" I yell back. "I've worked so hard to get some money! And you don't do shit! Grow the fuck up! Get your shit together! And start getting responsible for the shit you do you fucking fool!" I yell while stressing out. "And what's the other thing!" I yell again. "It's not important" he responds. "Tell me!" I yell. "Fine Jesus! Mom and dad wanna put you in curfew. They think your not at home enough." He responds aggravated. Okay he was right, it wasn't important. But what is important... is that I have to spend almost all of my money cause this little shit doesn't have a fucking brain. I'm so fucking pissed right now. "Wait here" I snap while running out of the front door with a sweaty and pale face. My brother is in deep shit. if it's Alejandro... it's not just any problem, it's a big problem. I swing open the car door and quickly graze for my bag. Tom jumps up. "What's going on?" He asks while opening the car door. "I- nothing!" I respond while quickly heading towards the front door. Just as I'm about to open it Tom stops me. "Stop. What's going on" he asks me with a serious tone. "Come in and you'll hear." I say, I open the front door and walk in. My brothers mood turns from worried to worried and embarrassed. But embarrassment is the last thing he should worry about. I smack my bag in the diner table. "Damon what's going on?" He ask with a German accent peeking. "I uh- I I loaned money from a drugs dealer and now he's pissed." He says whilst looking away trying to prevent making eye contact with Tom. "Fuck" Tom responds. He pulls out his wallet and as soon as I see I stop him. "Don't" I snap at him. "We come from a rich parents have money for him.but my brother can't ask my parents for the money. It's not that we don't have it... I'll give him the money. I-it's fine." I snap while chaotically pulling out my own wallet. I snatch out a couple of hundreds and one fifty. I hand Damon the money. "I want it back by Sunday. Don't be a fool and give Alejandro the money, otherwise I'll tell mom and dad." I say seriously. "I-yeah sure!" He responds. I think about my decision for a second time and snatch the money away from him. "Uhuh! No! I'm giving him it myself, drug addicts are liars and are not to trust." I say while putting the money back into my wallet. Damon sighs. "Don't fucking sigh you fucking idiot!" I yell. "Your the dumb fuck that decided to do hard drugs! Not fucking me! Get your shit together you damn child!" I yell while grabbing my bag and opening the door aggressively and slamming it shut as I walk out. Tom follows me and we both hop in the car. "He's such an asshole! Why does he get to be a fool! Why does he get to lose control! I've never done that!" I yell as I'm in the car. "Yeah I get it but... he's obviously sorry" he responds. "So... he should have thought of it before he did it" I snap at him. "Sorry..." he responds. "No I'm sorry... but I have been wanting to talk to you about something." I quickly say back before he gets the chance to feel bad. "Sure tell me" he says with an annoyed tone. "Uhm okay... why did you flirt with ragina like that." I say making fun of her name. "She's actually really nice. And it wasn't like that." He responds. "Uhm... I know Regina, she's not nice unless she wants something. And she does. She wants you, so stop acting like a fool." I snap at him. He doesn't get it. Having a man who's that attractive, is like being the only human in a room full of vampires. Every time someone even looks at him I just want to jump him and kiss him to show them he's mine. Cause he is. He is mine. He starts the car and starts driving. "Just... don't worry about it!" He snaps back. "Don't worry...?! Don't worry?! You are a very attractive and beautiful, flirty teen boy. You do know how many girls want you don't you. So it's not that crazy. And Regina has always been after my boyfriends." I spit out again. He rolls his eyes. "I'm in a relationship with YOU! Not with Regina. If I wanted to be with her I'd dump you." He responds. "Oh well how lovely, you'd dump me!" As soon as he hears me say this he realizes what he just said. "I- ugh... I don't want to be with her! I want to be with you! Stop being so insecure." He says aggressively. "INSECURE?! It just keeps getting better!" I respond yelling. "God damn it! Nola... I- I don't want anyone else but you. You know that. So stop... stop being mad. Your my girlfriend and no one else is. You are!" He says while pulling over the car. He stops the car and looks at me. "I'm not really used to having one girl" he sighs. As soon as he looks at me I put the carseat down. As I fall back I look at him. "I'm sorry I'll make it up to you" I say while a smirk grows on my face. "You do things to me Nola." He says in German. He gets to my side of the car and we wiggle and struggle to get him to lay down on my seat, so I can sit on him properly.

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