Chapter 12

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"So, we have to practice sentences. Just tell me a sentence and I have to translate it." I say looking in toms eyes deeply.
"Okay, uhm let me think."
"I got one."
"I think I love knowing you." Tom says.
"Uhm, i think I know you?" "Was that right?" I ask him. "Nope." He responds. "Another one." He says
"Will you undress for me and dance in your underwear?" He speaks something in French and I don't understand shit of it. "You suck at French." He says laughing. I push him softly. But before I do so he grabs my wrists. I get in his lap facing him. I don't know how to stop this madness. We hold eyecontact for 30 seconds, then I kiss him. I kiss him passionately, and then with tounge. We make out for 5 minutes straight. I stand up and scratch my neck. "Uhm I think uhm... Bill is calling me, I should uh-." I say stuttering as I run out of his room. He laughs. "HEY BILL, we should go for a walk. With you dog." I say while putting on my shoes. "Sure, let's go."
*time skip*
After bill and I walked to a park, and talked about all kinds of stuff. We head back inside to catch tom calling a girl. "No Monica, I can't talk right now. I know I know. I'll call you tonight." He says. My smile fades. I look at bill confused. "Who was that" i whisper. "I don't know." Bill whispers back. I look at Tom as he quickly hangs up when he sees me. "Hey babe. Where were you." He says. "Babe?! That's the worst nickname ever. And besides, who were you calling." I say aggravated. "Oh just our...aunt." He responds. I pretend to believe him. "Uhm so what's for dinner?" I ask trying to change the subject out of embarrassment.
*time skip*
We are at the dinner table, eating a salad. "So Nola, 2 more weeks right. And then you graduate." Bill asks. "Uhm yea, no more school!" I pretend to be excited but I'm still in my head about that call. Tom and I hold eye contact the intire dinner. He looks at me like he is sorry for something, like he regrets something. "Bill, can you bring me home." I ask him. "Uhm sure." The awkwardness is confronting.
*time skip*
I enter my room, when all of the sudden my phone is ringing. It's Tom. "What's up Tom." I say. "Can you open your front door?" He asks. "Okay?!" I respond. I walk to the door and open it. He walks in the house, grabs my hand and leads the way to my room. "Tom what the hell. What are you doing." I say confused. "The girl...Monica, she is a costume designer." He says worried. "What," I respond. "There is this party, a costume party. I wasn't planning on going, but then I met you. And I think we'll have a lot of fun together." He says. My mood changes from angry to surprised and happy. "Okay, that's a relief. I thought you were two timing me." He laughs. "Never!" I hug him. He kisses my forehead. "Can I stay over." He asks. "Sure just be quiet." I don't even think about it I just say yes. He smirks. "Well what costume are we wearing." I ask. "You are marie-Antoinette and I am going as king Lodewijk." I squeeze his hand. "Omg you got us a couples costume as a non couple." I respond, he looks at me offended. "Non couple?!" He says. "We are taking it slow king Lodewijk." I say, the little girl inside of me is squeeling. He undresses until only his boxers are left. His sixpack is so sexy. "I uh- i- should i- get you a pyjama pants from... my brother." I ask him stuttering like crazy. "Nope, I'm fine. Thanks." He says smiling. "Aren't you gonna undress?" He asks polite. "Tom!" I roll my eyes. "Well I am also undressed, and you've slept on top of me in your underwear." He says flirting. I turn red. "S-sure why not." I say nervously. He smirks happily knowing he just got what he wanted all along. I take off my top as Tom gasps. "What?" I ask. "Nothing!" He responds nervously with a hand infront of his crotch. I take off my pants revealing a thong. My bra and thong both are black laced. "I gotta go to the bathroom!" He nervously says. He walks over to my bathroom. "Tom, are you Okay?" I ask. "Yes!" He yells back. "SHHH FUCK TOM ARE U STUPID." I quietly say. "Sorry." He responds. "It's fine." I say back giggling.

After 5 minutes he comes out of the bathroom, in the meantime I gathered some snacks and picked a movie to watch. "Hey, what are we watching." Tom asks. "Mean girls." I respond as He laughs. I get in the bed, and so does Tom. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we cuddle. Tom keeps talking trough the movie. "So what is your favorite color?" He asks. "Pink or silver u guess, why do you ask?" I respond. "No reason just interested." He says back. "What is your favorite activity to do?" He asks. "Uhm well I guess singing and playing guitar, bet you didn't know I played guitar in the band. And also I like skateboarding but you already knew that. Uhm drawing is also one of my hobby's, and I guess hanging out with you." I say looking at him smiling. He kisses my forehead. "Come lay infront of me." He spreads his legs as I get in between them. "And what about you, what's your favorite color and activity?" I ask. "My favorite color is blue, I love graffiti, also skateboarding, playing guitar, partying, drawing also and honestly also hanging out with you." He responds. I look into his eyes deeply. "I know we've only known each other for a week or something, but you've changed my life already." He says looking back at me deeply. "Tom, I really like this. I really like us." I respond still holding eye contact. "Me too Nola." He says back smiling at me. He kisses me, and I quickly get on his lap facing him. Yet again a passionate make out session. We go on like this for 8 minutes. But then I feel something hard, I think Tom has a boner. "Tom" I say giggling. He gets nervous and turns red. "Tom it's fine." And I kiss him again. We make out for another 7 minutes or so.

When we stop I get into the position I was in before we made out and I lay between his legs with my head resting on his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist. All of the sudden he giggles. "What is it?" I ask. "Nothing." He responds looking at me. I roll my eyes playfully. And we watch the rest of the movie and eat the snacks before falling asleep on top of Tom.

End of chapter yall🤭🫶💋

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