Chapter 8

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"Tom." I say flustered. "Nola." He responds with the sexiest most attractive and powerful voice ever. I zone out as I look in his eyes, all I can think of is this boy standing naked in front of me. With his dick out, is that weird? I mean the tention he creates god damn. I'll do whatever this boy says, I'll be a freak...for him. I'll want to be a freak, I'll be his freaky girl. I'll be his freak. while my hands are still holding on to his waist, I can't think of anything else but to pull his pants down. Gosh since when am I so horny, and also why am I horny when he is being sincere. Or maybe he is also horny. 'This is nonsense stop it.' I tell myself. As I move on from the scenario that just happened inside of my head, I melt into reality again. I'm wich Tom is standing infront of me, centimeters away from my face.
I can not hold it in anymore. Apparently neither can he as he goes in for a kiss, but I stop him."Maybe later Tom, I need to think about it." I give him a kiss on his cheek. Damn why would I stop him from doing something I deeply desire for. I walk out of the bathroom, and fix my hair as I hear people come in the front door. "The guests are here guys!" Bill yells loudly enough for everyone to hear. Ymara Georg Tom and I all meet the guests and welcome them, wich feels weird. It's not my house? Why would I welcome them. I notice I am overthinking to distract myself from another thought. "Jesus bill, how many people did you invite?" Georg asks bill. Bill lifts his shoulders as a sign he doesn't know.
*time skip*
"GUYS HIDE GUSTAV IS COMING." Bill screams trough the crowded living room, as everyone hides. Gustav walks trough the front door and comes in. His face changes, he is so confused. "Guys what is happening?" Gustav says with a strong accent. Bill signals everyone to count to three and then to jump up. "3...2...1... SURPRISE!!!" Everyone jumps up, while Gustav is scared to shit. "AH YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT." He screams in laughter. We all congratulate him on his 18th birthday. I hug him and give him my gift, a metallica t-shirt. "Oh thank you, you shouldn't have." He says. I kiss him on his cheeks and walk over to the drinks table. I pour in a shot glass of tequilla. "I wanna get really drunk tonight!" I tell Ymara. "You go girl!" She yells. "Another round!!!" I speak as I notice my sight feeling slowing down, when I look around it feels like my sight is slown down. It traces my head movements later than the movements themself. "Another round Ymara!" I yell. I quickly get very drunk and decide to go looking for Tom. "Tommyboy!" "Tom where are you!" I yell trough the crowd. I see him, and make my way to him trough all of these people. As I reach him I see a slut laying on his lap with her head. 'Not today bitch.' I tell myself, as I slowly sit down on toms lap forcing the girl to lift her head up. "What the hell are you doing!" The girl says aggravated. "Oops sorry didn't see you!" I respond like the most unproblematic person ever. I felt so horny, and so did Tom. I felt something rise against my ass. I adjust my position to feel his dick better. Tom places his hands on my hips and I start to make little movements. The girl that was previously laying on his lap was looking at me like a bloodthirsty wolf. And I decide to give her the fakest smile ever. "God I am so drunk." I tell tom. "I am not very drunk just a little." He responds. My mini skirt starts to rise up my thigh because of those movements. Soon enough I'd be here sitting in my thong. So I stand up, and manage to walk away with the sexiest walk ever. Tom tries following me but he gets lost i the crowd. Now the trick is not to go looking for him, it will drive him crazy, hopefully. I am such a different person when I'm drunk, it just takes the edge off of things. I walk over to the mini bar in the garden, where I find myself sitting next to my ex boyfriend, robin. "Robin?! What are you doing here." I ask in true disbelieve. "Oh my friends are here, and I guess I thought I'd be nice to see you." He says with a relaxed attitude. "Noo, no it is not nice to see me. You have to go. Don't ruin this for me." I tell him completely wasted. Tom spotted me and is managing to make his way to me. "Nola, who is this love." Tom asks. "Uhm Tom, this is uh- my cousin." I tell him very confidently thinking he'll believe me. "I am not her cousin, I'm her ex boyfriend. Robin." Robin tells Tom. Toms face changes, as if he isn't worried because he knows I only want a 6'2 dreaded German rock star. He doesn't know that though so what is the meaning behind his face? "Ah I see, well it's a good thing Nola now only sees u as het cousin except for potential boyfriend." Tom says to Robin. Oh god that was hot. Robin stands up and walks away.

End of chapter yall🙄💕🙌🏼 hope you enjoyed.

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