Chapter 15

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I slowly attend the bed after quickly taking of my clothes, I notice how her chest is bouncing up and down and how she is starting to sweat. She's getting nervous. I crawl towards her left in only my underwear and headband. I sit up in the middle of my king sized bed with my back against the headboard. I stretch my arms out on both sides resting them on the pillows. She enters my lap facing me. My hands graze for her hips and we make eye contact, while lusting for each other's lips and hesitatingly move our faces closer and further from each other. Exactly like the movies bill made me watch. The scenes where every single fanatic fan girl watching is getting aggravated by the way they swing around each others' lips before diving onto each other. That's exactly what we are doing right now, we sway our lips around each others. As Nola places her arms around my neck I decide not to wait anymore. I stab my tongue into her mouth aggressively making out with her. My dick is hardening. I grab Nola's shoulders pushing her down on my lower stomach bordering my crotch to grind her harder on my dick. With one hand on her shoulder and one hand on her hip, I make her hip move so she starts humping my dick. I breath heavily, I close my eyes as the sensation of Her body on mine is building up inside of me.

*Nola's point of view*

I grind on his dick feeling it come in contact with my tender vagina. I breath in and out heavily letting out a small sound of enjoyment. I see toms face freeze with his mouth wide open, trying to stop himself from groaning. "Nola" I hear him mumble while moaning trough out. "I think I want to have sex." I say moaning. Tom let's out a whimper. We slowly stop and he opens his eyes again. He looks shocked by what is just said. He gives me a little kiss. "Are you sure?" He asks me in the most sympathetic way ever. "Mhm" I nodd. I get up so Tom can grab a condom. I have no experience with sex, whatsoever I do have experience with sucking dick. While Tom rips open the condom I stop him. "Tom" I say with a calm and seductive voice, I might seem so... but my heart is beating in my throat. I place my hand on his whilst he is holding the condom and I push his hand down. I grab the bedsheets and throw them back. I push myself further down the bed so I can reach his penis with my mouth. I look at him whilst I pull down his underwear. I am acting calm but deep down I am so nervous, normally with my ex boyfriend I wasn't. Maybe this is good, maybe it means something good. My heartbeat rises drastically as Tom looks at me while I grab his dick. I'm to afraid to say anything and I just, I nervously chuckle. he smiles at me softly. I start to kiss the tip of his penis, tom let's out a loud whimpering noise. I smile to myself. I place my lips around the tip of his dick and slowly slide further down his dick. He whimpers and closes his eyes. I slowly start going up again, he scrunches his face and starts to hide his face in his hands groaning loudly. I slowly fasten the rythm I'm going in. I look at Tom while he is still cupping his face with his hands. I starts to use both of my hands to twist his dick slightly moving my hands up and down. He whines loudly with his hands now on top of his head. "Shit, slow down." He moans. I do as he says and go slower now focusing on the tip of his dick and stroking it with my hands and mouth. "Ah fuck I can't" he quickly mumbles. "You're really good at this" he moans again. Is it normal for a man to moan so much, is because I'm good? Is he faking it? I couldn't be that good could I? Or maybe he's got a low boundary? I doubt that, Tom has been with tons of women. I put the thoughts out of my head and focus on Tom. His dick; now warm from my mouth rubbing it, is about to choke me as Tom grabbed my head and pushed his dick further down my throat . "Ah your mouth feels really fucking good." He pants. I look at Tom again and he looks at me. "Im coming" he moans again. His moans weren't extreme, or dramatic, they seemed... natural. Like he just didn't try to hold it in, it was obvious he wasn't trying to be quiet. He just simply didn't care. I stroke his dick one last time before Tom groans as he cums in my mouth.

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