Chapter 19, the ramblers.

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"Okay let's go!" I yell to Tom who is walking behind me. My cotton candy is disappearing/ melting because of the rain. It was sunny just seconds ago but now it's pouring. I start running towards the Photo Booth. "Slow down I can barely see you!" I hear Tom yell. "Ugh" I groan as soon as I fly into the Photo Booth. 2 seconds later Tom enters too. "I'm to baked for this" I say giggling my ass of. He chuckles. "We'll let's take the pictures and leave cause the rain is getting worse." I say looking at him while sitting down on the little bench. "Okay wait." He responds chuckling. He searches his pockets for some coins. "Okay" he says again while inserting the coins into the little machine attached to the wall. He tries to squeeze himself onto the bench but with both of us sitting on it the room we have is limited. "Hold on I'll just sit on your lap." I say while standing up smiling wildly. I don't mind sitting on his all! I sit down and look at the screen, now counting down to take the pictures. Both Tom and I smile on the first one, the flash stinging in my eyes. On the second picture we both make a funny face. It's counting down for the third picture. Tom grabs my chin and makes me face him, my face is still shown on the screen even tho I'm looking at him smiling. Before we were able to pose the flash hits. On the fourth picture, are Tom and I being portrayed having deep eye contact. Both of us having some sort of sincere glistening in our eyes. On the fifth picture Tom and I are kissing passionately. And on the sixth, I lick toms face as the flash stings my eyes yet again. He laughs and rubs my chin with his thumb. I thought he was being cute, but a second later he licks my face also.

*small time skip*

I pull open the curtain to see how the weather is, and what I see does not look good. "Uhm Tom we'll have to run to your car." I yell trying to overcome the noise of the rain showering. He gets up, grabs my hand and we start running towards the car. We try to avoid any people in our way. We reach toms car and quickly get in. As soon as I put on my seatbelt my phone rings. I flip it open and pick up.
"Hey this is Nola" I say waiting for a response. "Hey Nola it's Damon, can you come home tonight I need to talk to you." He speaks with some sort of tention behind his voice. "Of course, what's it about." I say in a sympathetic matter. "I'll tell you when you get here okay? I gotta go." He hangs up the phone, leaving me with hundreds of questions. "Who was it?" Tom asks while starting the car and driving away. "My brother, he wants me to come over tonight to talk with him. I don't know about though." I responds while putting my phone in my purse. "Oh okay" he responds smiling at me quickly before focusing his eyes back on the road. "Let's go to my place to fresh up." Tom speaks quickly glancing at me. I smile back at him as a signal I agree.

*time skip*

I flop down on toms couch. "Can I shower real quick?" I ask him while I look at him. "Yeah we can shower." He responds smirking in that Tom Kaulitz way. A part of me wants to smack that smirk off of his face, and another part of me wants to jump onto him and hug him while I kiss him. His smirk always makes me blush. Looking at his big brown eyes does the job too. He is beautiful. "Maybe..." I respond knowing very well he won't let me shower alone. He walks over me and presses my shoulder against the back rest of the couch. "What do you mean maybe?!" He says laughing and smiling, almost like he is holding in a giggle. He's so cute. I smile at him while I push him off of me. I walk to the stairs, and once I reach the stairs I look back at him and run up as fast as possible. I hear Tom running after me, his footsteps are getting closer. I run to the bathroom but just before I reach it, Tom picks me up by my hips and spins me around playfully groaning and laughing. "You kill me" he says while he puts me down. I turn my face to his. "Kill you?" I ask. "You kill me" he repeats. "Wha- what do you mean." I ask him laughing in confusion. "That's for you to find out" he responds raising an eyebrow and smiling. "Fine you can shower with me you creep" I say sighing. "You didn't think I wouldn't do it if you hadn't said i can shower with you did you?" He asks while opening the bathroom door and taking off his shoes. I take of mine and enter the bathroom. Even tho Tom has already seen me naked, it still remains the scariest thing to undress and be naked infront of him. He takes off his pants and shirt and same goes for his underwear and socks. His cap is thrown to the other side of the bathroom floor. Tom gets in the shower and turns it on. "Are you coming or?" He asks while I slowly take off my socks. My short and pants follow. Now the hardest part. My underwear. I'm not very confident, I mean unless I want to be. I slowly take off my bra and next comes my thong. I step in the shower and see Tom gazing at me. "Fucking hell" he mumbles. At this point I don't even react to him speaking german. He smiles at me. His dreads are down and his cute face is covered in rain drops from the rain shower. He grabs his dick and strokes it a few times. I'm getting horny. I stare at his dick for a few seconds before Tom catches me. "Mhm" he whines. I flinch as I return to reality and leave my thoughts and dirty mind. "I don't mind" he chuckles. I bite my lip and give him an annoyed look.  He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. My heart starts beating faster as hugs me. His hands slide from my back to my ass and he rubs it. He squeezes it softly and kisses my on my neck. Why does he always do this, make me want him inside of me. My pelvis slowly grinds against his dick. He pushes me against the wall and starts sucking on my neck.

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