Chapter 23, A's money

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I grab a cigarette and walk to the balcony. Completely naked. I open the door and enter the balcony. I light the cigarette, and smoke it. While doing so I plan how to wake Tom up, cause he made me horny, his body made me horny. And I'm still drunk. Somehow that's the reason why I'm in the mood for something fun... or whatever.


I walk back inside, and turn on the light, dimmed. I crawl into the bed. Sitting on his covered dick. My tits are hanging above his face. I lower my face so my mouth comes to his ear. "Tom" I whisper. "Mhm" he vaguely replies still half asleep. "Tom" I whisper again. He groans sleepy. "Yeah" he responds in a rusty attractive voice. "Open your eyes" I whisper. He opens his eyes slowly. "Hey" he says calmly and still the same rusty voice. He immediately grazes for my tits. He squeezes them. "Whats up" he says, still the same voice. "Oh you know" I say playfully. "Do I?" He responds smirking. "Yeah I think you do" I say teasingly. "Oh I do" he responds seductively. "Mhm" I mumble. He grabs my ass and squeezes it and moves it in circular movements making me grind his dick which is still covered in the sheets. He rolls me over and gets on top of me. He throws the sheets away and moves his body lower and lower until his head is leveled at my pussy.

*toms pov*

I start rubbing her clit with my tongue. I know from experience that pussy doesn't taste or smell... good. But because I'm in love with Nola, I want to do it. Her body is so attracting. She moans, I love her moans, I'll do anything to make her moan. It turns me on. I slowly start sucking her clit. And I'm dead serious, her pussy, just doesn't taste or smell bad. It's actually, pretty. Or at least not ugly. She moans loudly. "Fuck Tom" she says. I stick my tongue inside of her. "Ah" she moans with a high pitch. Her smooth and silky body is covered in my hands. I controllably lick her pussy. She can't stop herself from tensing her body. She clenched the pillow her head is resting on. Every curve and inch of skin is precious and tender. She pulls me up and kisses me. Meanwhile I start fingering her. "Mmh ah" she whines. I slide my finger into her. She's to tight for two fingers. I slide in and out. But I quickly realize, my finger can't go far enough. But I have the perfect solution. I yank her in every position possible. My dick is already hard enough caused by her pleasure, and her fucking soaking pussy. She's so wet. I bend her over and ask her permission. Of course she says yes. I quickly grab a condom and slide it over my dick. She's patiently waiting for me to be inside of her. I love how innocent she looks, and how sweet she is. I mean she can be. I grab my dick and put it in front of her pussy, and proceed to slide it in. We both let out a loud moan. I pull back, and push in. Sliding in and out of her. I just feel her, feel her all over. I feel my dick pushing through her pussy. I feel my dick inside of her. Fuck she feels good. I start pacing up my rhythm. Fucking her, humping her like a bunny. Like a fast fucking bunny. "Ah just please... please make me cum!" She begs for me to fuck her. She begs. I rest my body on top of hers while fucking her pussy as her back is facing me. She's bendes over. I grab her tits and fuck her even harder. "Ah!" She moans in a high pitch again as loud as possible. My hips clap onto her ass. "Ah fuck" I moan. She feels so fucking great. I start feeling fuzzy. But I'll keep going. I want to keep going. I want to be inside of her. My dick is sliding in and out of her while she's dripping wet. Our sweat is mixing as we are skin to skin. I want to be as close as possible to her. "Ah fuck Tom!" She moan again extremely loud. "Yeah... yeah... fuck yeah... ah yes!" I groan. I wanna be all she's ever dreamed off. And I believe I am. "Ah!" Her high pitch tone over rules every sound I've ever heard. It stings in my ear. I wanna hear it again. I fuck her even harder. With every thrust she moans louder. I grab her waist and pull it down on my dick. Further... I wanna go further... I wanna be inside of her deeper. I hug her while fucking her harshly. I want to fuck her so hard. And I am. "Ahhh... ahhh!" I whine. "Tom I'm gonna fucking cum" she whines. "Hold on" I say while groaning. I grab her hair and pull it softly, I'd never hurt her. But I know she likes a little aggression. She told me so herself. And I'll Dow whatever to please her. I'm so deep inside of her tight fucking pussy. It's dripping wet and smooth. She's so clean and it turns me on so much more. "Fuck!" I moan loudly. "Ahhh ahh fuck me tom!" She whimpers. I chuckle. "I am" I say and speed up again. I'm fucking her so hard. I've never gone this fast. I fuck her like a bunny. She makes me feral. I grab her pussy and finger her while fucking her. "Ah Tom stop! I- I can't!" She is overstimulated and she's whining a lot. I love overstimulating her. I wanna be inside of her in every fucking hole possible. "Ah" i whimper. My dick is throbbing in her grip. And she doesn't even know how much I like it. I know she has a fetish for one particular thing; love, there has to be a connection while sexual activities. She told me this. But my only fetish, is her. She turns me on to much. I only want her, her pussy, her tits, her body. Now that I've met her, there's no one else but her. Of course ill someday pass a girl who I'll find attractive or hot. But she'll not even come near my feelings for this girl. She'll always overpower any girl I'll meet. "I'm gonna cum" I say. But she already has. She moans uncontrollably, and so do I. I cum inside of the condom. I pull out my dick and push her doen to the bed to she's on her back. I get into of her. "I love you" I say while suffocating her with my kiss. I pierce my tongue into her throat. She gurgles a little and then follows my lead. She whines a little and let's her tongue slide into my mouth. I place my hand on her neck and my other hand is wrapped inside of her hair.

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