Chapter 24, talks and terror

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I looked my mom deep in the eye, as she said I was no longer to be with Tom. She can suck my ass. "Fuck you! You always do this, ruin something good in my life" I yell. I'm so full of rage. And why, cause I'm out of the house to much, and because they found weed in my room. They immediately expect the weed is toms. "No fuck you, you're the one who's gotten out of control" my mom says In Dutch, when mom speaks Dutch it means she's really mad. But I couldn't care less. My mom drags me to my room and throws me inside, she quickly locks the door and yells again.

*mean while*

*toms pov*

I drove all the way back to Alejandro's club. I've had a couple of drinks and feel... not sober. Who does he think he is, talking about my girlfriend like that. Piece of shit. I park my car and step outside. Immediately I spot him, Alejandro. I walk up to him, "hey fuckface" I say. He turns around, "homeboy is back!" Alejandro yells. "Fuck you" I say calmly and struggling to stay on my feet. "What?! What was that bitch" Alejandro says. "You heard me" I respond. Alejandro runs up to me. His cold fist hits my face and I black out. I start laughing. I don't feel pain. "You want more?" Alejandro says. I hit him back. We get into a fight but I am outnumbered, what the fuck am I doing.

*time skip*

I open my eyes and look around. Where the fuck am I. I feel like my whole world has just caved in. I stand up. What the hell happened, I can't remember anything. I'm in a parking lot, all alone, next to me is an empty road. Shit I remember what happened. I came here for Alejandro. What the fuck. I stand up and run towards an ally which I came from last night. I look around desperately and see my car. My car keys are gone, so is my cell, and so is my wallet.
I don't know what to do and walk towards a road. I point out my hand hoping for a nice driver who feels like doing something nice today to come by. And he does. A man in somewhat his mid 60 stops. "Hey kid, watcha doin here, need a ride?" He says with a rusty voice. "Yes please it would mean a lot to me if you drove me to LA, elmstreet 53 please." "Shire thing" he opens the passenger door for me. "So what happened to you?" He asks. "I lost my car keys and wallet, oh and my cell." I responds with a relieved tone. Finally I'll get home.

*Time skip*

*nola's pov*

"MA! LET ME OUT" I yell, I've screamed all night. I'm so done with this shit. I storm to my computer. I have two things to do before Im getting the hell out of here. First I have to text Tom, tell him I'm staying with him. Then I have to print a letter for my mom.
I quickly search through my contacts that I have saved on my laptop. I have a spare cell so I never have to go with out. I type in the number and text him I'm on my way over to his. Now the letter. "Dear mom, go fuck yourself. I'm old enough to decide for myself who I date. I'm sixteen, I'm not a fucking baby. I hope you choke, the reason why I'm so angry is because this is the 14th time you've done this to me, take something from me. Something I love. You know what I'm talking about. We made a deal. You'd no longer try to be dominant and rule over me as long as I would come home from last time I ran away. After last time, after what you took from me that day you promised. I hope I'll never see you again." I walk over to my bed to place the letter on top of my pillow.

I pack a bag full of my most important things. And leave trough the window. I run away from this shithole as quick as I can until I finally reach my car. I left it at the parking lot. I open the door and start the car. But as soon as I drive off I see my mom running after my car. Fucking bitch. I can't believe she did it again. After what I went through last time.

*time skip*

I pull up at toms house, I step out of my car with 2 bags and 3 suitcases. I reach the front door, but before I could knock, bill opens the door. "Nola come in sweetie!" He says as he greets me, but something's off. "Bill what's up? Your acting different." I say, he looks at me. "Nola, Tom didn't come home last night" he tells me while waiting for my response. "What?!" I say. I run up to his room. Bill follows. I drop my bags on his bedroom floor and take out my cell. I flip it open and call Tom. "Hallo! This is Tom, I'm probably doing something awesome, leave a message and maybe I'll call back." "Fuck its his voicemail" I say. "Shit!" Bill yells. "This isn't Tom, we'll it is actually but... he has a girlfriend now he would for sure let you know where he is." Bill says. I slightly panic at the idea of anything bad happening to Tom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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