Chapter Eleven

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Lan Zhan sat before the desk, organizing the stack of paper which he wrote on, today had been not what he was expecting, he hoped that he would see Wei Ying as there was still things that needed to be discussed and misunderstanding to be cleared but he was instead here within the library watching over punishment done while completing the task his uncle had set for him before the lectures began.

Lan Zhan gave a soft contentful sigh as a whisper of a smile appeared on his face, as he heard a creaking noise coming from the window. He looked up to see someone hop inside. Wei Ying came up by climbing the magnolia tree outside of the Library Pavilion. His face was beaming,

"Lan Zhan, I'm back! Did you miss me?"

To Wei Ying, Lan Zhan seemed like an old monk in a state of meditation, seeing everything as nothing as he even continued to organize the pile of books with what appeared to Wei Ying being a numb expression, Lan Zhan had deliberately fix his face and hid his eyes, Just so that Wei Ying could continue talking.

Wei Ying smiled knowing what Lan Zhan was doing, "I know, even if you don't say it, that you missed me. Or else, earlier on, why did you look at me through the window?"

Lan Zhan immediately shot him a glance, his eyes full of surprise at being caught again, he was sure that Wei Ying would not notice this time. Wei Ying sat atop the windowsill,

"Look at you, rising to the bait after just a few sentences. You're so easy to catch. This way, you won't be able to maintain your composure."

Lan Zhan, "Mn, Missed you." then after a pause of them staring at each other there was a thump and Lan Zhan turned his now frosted gaze on the person who made the noise, "You may leave, return tomorrow"

Wei Ying was a little confused at first and when he stuck his head a bit further in to see behind him, Wei Ying saw the Su She was sprawled on the floor in an unLan like manner and red in the face, Wei Ying jumped down and went over to sit by Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying "Is this why you rejected me?"

"Mn, FùQin said that Su She was to be punished for not speaking truthfully and allowing Wei Ying to be punished"

"Lan Zhan, why was he on the floor?" asked Wei Ying shocked by what Lan Zhan had said

"Doing handstand while writing" said Lan Zhan as he raised his eyes once again form his papers and looked at Wei Ying "Why is Wei Ying here?"

"Oh, last time Shifu Yi has left her rabbits behind same as this time, I had moved them to the back hills and thought I could bring these two to keep you entertained while you work

Both rabbits were chubby and round, appearing to two balls made of fluff. One was white with light brown eyes and laid on its stomach, remaining motionless even after a long while. As it chewed on the lettuce, its pink mouth moved in a leisurely manner. The other one was black with brown-red eyes and seemed as if it was a cricket, constantly hopping up and down. It played around with its companion, wriggling and leaping nonstop. Wei Ying tossed over a few pieces of lettuce which he took out of his sleeve.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan! I am sorry." called Wei Ying as he tried to catch the black rabbit

The energetic rabbit had suddenly jumped up and stepped on Lan Zhan's inkstone and left a line of black footsteps on the desk. Lan Zhan sighed again as he recalled that last time it was two white ones and this time it was a black one, Lan Zhan gently caught hold of the rabbit and took out his handkerchief to wipe the rabbit's paws then just as gently placed the black one by its mate before starting to clean the mess that was created.

"I'm sorry" said Wei Ying again dejectedly, as he removed the talisman out and created the whirlwind and cleaned up the mess that was made before Lan Zhan could start.

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