Chapter Twelve

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Good morning

Here is a little suggestion that I would like to put forth to all my readers, there is a book that I have read that has brought tears to my eyes on many occasions and I believe that it helps describe what Lan Zhan went through those thirteen years of longing.

Please read 'the tears of thirteen years' if you have not done so yet I promise there is no other book not even mine that can make Lan Zhan seem like Lan Zhan and the pain he had to face alone along with his son A-Yuan.


Lan Zhan walked up the steps to Cloud Recesses with his disciples and the stretcher, he frowned at the noise that was heard up heard but couldn't help be intrigued by the voice, he decided to leave his company and arrive first, as he rounded the corner everyone fell silent and Lan Zhan wanted to know who had spoken that had caught his interest.

Lan Zhan walked up to the disciple, but his ears betrayed him in hearing the two Jiang disciples speak and then he heard the voice whisper, Lan Zhan wanted to turn around but the stretcher came forward and the Lan Disciple pulled his attention back to the task at hand Lan Zhan was about to follow when he heard that voice again and could not help notice the oddly placed feeling in his chest, it felt as though his heart as fluttering.

He turned around and then he caught he face as what he thought was a 'beautiful' man and when Wei Ying spoke, Lan Zhan was captivated but He had to refuse them as he was raised to know and follow all Lan principles, Lan Zhan felt short of breath as the disciple known as Wei Ying spoke to him so instead of answering Lan Zhan turned and walked away into Cloud Recesses after that he silenced Wei Ying as Wei Ying called to him, once walking up Lan Zhan stopped and thought that he had indeed been unfair and undid the silence spell as he before heading to his brother and report.

Before curfew Lan Zhan decided to go down and retrieve the Jiang disciples as his brother requested and his heart felt stilled at noticing that the one that had caught his attention was not among them only after Maiden Jiang had explained that their head disciple went to find their lost invitation and that he would arrive shortly did Lan Zhan escort them in before returning adamant in waiting for their head disciple on top of the walls of Lan Sect little did he know that he would be in for a surprise.

Lan Zhan waited to see if there would be a disturbance at the entrance and felt none as he waited but he was taken aback when the same man who had spoken to him scaled the walls, Lan Zhan watched silently as he watched Wei Ying look at cloud recesses before turning to him surprised and being caught off guard.

Lan Zhan was mildly impressed and annoyed as he watched Wei Ying; his heart fluttered more as he spoke to him and Lan Zhan still could not understand this feeling, instead he held tighter to Bichen.

Instead of saying that he was indeed waiting for Wei Ying to arrive, Lan Zhan decided to see what the Jiang head disciple would do about the broken principles that Wei Ying had broken, three to be precises.

He was not expecting however that Wei Ying Would defend himself by not knowing the Lan Sect rules nor that he would not have read them before approaching the entrance to cloud Recesses, nor had Lan Zhan expected a promise before an explanation then a request but Lan Zhan could not allow Wei Ying to enter even if it was just a glimpse so instead he drew his sword half way in order to stop Wei Ying from entering.

Lan Zhan was even more annoyed that Wei Ying tried to bribe with a pot of emperors smile and made a point to tell Wei Ying that he had broken yet another principle but he never expected was that Wei Ying would call him unadaptable explaining that the silence spell from before was for no reason when in fact there was a reason, ever since meeting at the entrance of Gusu Lan sect, Wei Ying's voice was a soft melody playing within his mind, He could not disobey the principles but if the Jiang disciple had indeed continued Lan Zhan was sure that he would've done something to evoke his own punishment by allowing them in without permission without his brother's approval hence he chose to silence him until he was at a safe enough distance, but Wei Ying's voice never left his mind.

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