Chapter Seven

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When Wei Ying came to, he already knew that this was the part he had been dreading he looked around and found himself in a valley unlike any other, pink lotuses grew in the pond new a well-maintained cottage and Gentian flowers grew wild, Wei Ying smelled peaches in the distance as well as another fragrance that he could not pinpoint. the area put him at ease, or it was meant to, But Wei Ying was Wei Ying and not the Naive child he was so instead for allowing himself to relax he rather tensed and became suspicious.

"A-Ying, relax"

Wei Ying turned and saw his grandmother walking to him

"I am still within my memories then how?" Wei Ying asked as he pointed around

"You are within your memories yes, but this is called separation, your spirit is here and there are a couple of people I would like you to meet" smiled BoaShan Sanren

Wei Ying turned to the cottage as the door opened and one for one, they walked out

"God of Justice, Boa Zheng" said BoaShan Sanren

the man had not only a goatee like Lan Qiren but also a mustache and side burns with winged eye brows, his eyes was a darker silver than his own and a Quater moon on his forehead, but Wei Ying felt that if he ever aged he would be the same as this god who stood in front of him except leaner, the gods robes was black as onyx and saw decorated with golden dragons on his chest and patterned clouds, Wei Ying bowed deep and the god laughed.

"There is no need"

"Sun WuKong the monkey king and god of mischief"

Sun WuKong smiled mischievously as he stepped forward, Wei Ying was reminded of the Macaques or "monkeys of the sun", but Sun WuKong stood as tall as him at 186cm, he wore armor of red and gold and carried a staff over his shoulder as he stood proudly before stepping forth putting a paw on Wei Ying's shoulder and nodded before standing at Bao Zheng's side

"Si Ming, god of fate"

Si Ming walked forward, the top half of his hair was shaved while the back was braided tightly to his head, he wore musk green robes with armor underneath in his hand was a thin but sharp sword at his feet was a snapping turtle and a snake, the ground shook slightly as the man walked.

"Would you stand still, or we are to end it here!" snapped BoaShan sanren

"My apologies Immortal" smiled Si Ming as he climbed on his turtle's shell and his snake wrapped around him, he took Wei Ying hand in his and squeezed them.

"now that they are out of the was let me explain" said BaoSahan Sanren "They day you fell was not the day you were meant to die, Si Ming had your fate you were fated to ascend but with your soulmate, Lan Zhan but because of greed and power, your life ended and this angered Bao Zheng and Sun WuKong the deities that favors you, Boa Zheng because you uphold the justice even if the world deems it wrong and Sun WuKong because you are mischievous as he is, they planned to send you back and take the heavenly punishment but the heavenly divine jade emperor heard and decided to question them, once he heard, saw and read everything the two stories, one that was not supposed to happen and another that was because of the Yin iron and its existence, you alone changed your true fate and still kept the values of Bao Zheng and Sun WuKong, the Jade emperor than chose to hold a counsel which lasted one mortal month, A-Ying, meet the gods that gave your life back the heavenly Divine Jade emperor Yuanshi TianZun, the god of the demon realm and death Yama, the ghost kings Hua Cheng, He Xuan and Qi Rong" Boashan Sanren explained then introduced the rest of the party

Wei Ying could not begin to explain how they looked and if he was to try the cultivational world would kill him just for blasphemy but the jade emperor looked nothing like his statues, he looked in his early youth no older than twenty, his hair was as Wei Ying had it now with a clean face not marked with facial hair, a soft smile was on his face as a father watching his son, his eyes were brilliant green and swimming with power, his robes were the color of jade and gold, Yama on the other hand reminded him of a certain Lan instead of white his wore black and carried no weapon but small balls of green flames floated around Him, Hua Cheng was taller than Wei Ying but not by much and it could be said that they were brothers in his life all except the eye patch and the scimitar that hung unsheathed at his side, Qi Rong was green, Pale sickly green skin, red Eyes but other than that he was handsome and shorter than the rest and the last was He Xuan, he wore White and blue but reminded Wei Ying of the times that he had lost control, again could be said that they were siblings.

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